Let's go, my faithful friendsalgenpfleger on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/algenpfleger/art/Let-s-go-my-faithful-friends-107455772algenpfleger

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Let's go, my faithful friends



... to battle!

Gnaaaaah I wanted this piece to become my best yet and planned to really finish it, but I kinda lost my connection to it during the holidays and now I'm tired of working on it :/

Well I don't know. Maybe the next one haha. This must have taken... not sure... maybe 18-20 hours, in PS, without refs, the same procedure as every time haha.

Oh. It's been one year since I started my sketchbook on conceptart.org. There's lots of sketches and studies inside, lots of things that kinda helped me progress, so if you want, have a look! :) -> [link]
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600x850px 287.71 KB
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