For Gossymeralgenpfleger on DeviantArt

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algenpfleger's avatar

For Gossymer



This is the charity collaboration commission for the lovely :icongossymer:, who won our auction by bidding to donate $629.99 to Unicef! Awesome! Thanks again :]

She asked us to show her favorite character, Toph from Avatar, around the age of twenty. Toph is blind and uses her feet to see by sensing vibrations in the earth, so we chose a serene environment, maybe strolling away from people for a second, to where she feels safe enough to put her feet in the water, effectively blinding her. It was a real pleasure to work for her!

It's a collaboration with :iconjanaschi:, I just moved to where she lives, so we did parts of the piece at her place and some at mine! Whoooo!

Some more copy+paste info about the collab, ummm, done over five days in Photoshop, some refs used for the foreground, we usually don't use refs but this was for a client. Ah, and since that question keeps coming up with these collabs, yes we just hung out in real life, painting on the same tablet, just taking turns :] Definitely the most enjoyable way to collaborate!

We hope you like it, steps are here ! -> [link]
Image size
533x1138px 592.58 KB
© 2009 - 2025 algenpfleger
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