alexzemke's avatar


animator who sometimes draws too
116 Deviations
The last couple of days, out of nowhere, my pageviews spiked up to about 600% of my typical measly daily numbers. But no images got slammed with faves or comments, nothing at all to indicate what might have suddenly brought a rush of people to my page for about 48 hours. Wha'appen?
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I'm at 69,999 pageviews, people!

Send a screen grab as proof that you're #70K, and I'll try to come up with some kind of reward. Don't pressure me, I'm neck-deep in Portal short work and only just noticed this right now!
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A little press never hurt anybody!…

Portal and Portal 2 ©Valve Software
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Chell Theme Music for Companionship by alexzemke

Hey all!

For those who've wondered about the progress of this short, it's kind of a long story. After the major coverage that emerged over my Portal fan film, "Companionship", a ton of people wanted to get involved, and thanks to my artistic naivete and my inexperience with such overwhelming attention, I fell into an age-old pitfall: "scale creep".
The short version: what started as a tiny little personal project quickly ballooned into a major one, and last year it essentially collapsed under its own weight! What normally happens at that point is that the film simply dies, gets abandoned, and becomes a regrettable memory.
But too many people had already devoted too much of their talent to the pre-production of that oversize mess, and for my part, I'm not really into quitting things these days.
So after a much-needed break from the frustration, I rolled up my sleeves and got back into it. I took the overlong script and streamlined it, cutting the length by more than half while retaining the overall story and theme. I looked at the production elements we'd been struggling with, and made some deep cuts to limit it just to what we know how to do now, instead of what we'd hoped to eventually learn. Anything that threatens to stall the project from here on out will simply get worked around with some creative problem solving, which is something I'm actually good at.
I'm working with a few other people now to put together the new story reel, and so far things are looking pretty damn sweet. I honestly think the film will end up a good deal better for all the lessons learned in that first attempt, and as we create more substantial material worth showing, I'll start sharing it here again. Thank you to everyone who has worked on and/or supported this project. You people are awesome!

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Jesse Eisenberg is Lex Luthor, and it won't make a lick of difference.

Here's why:…
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Da Fuq happened this week? by alexzemke, journal

Almost 70K page views! by alexzemke, journal

Portal Short 'Companionship' Back in the News! by alexzemke, journal

Portal short, COMPANIONSHIP: long-overdue update! by alexzemke, journal

Jesse Eisenberg: So what? by alexzemke, journal