
Pinkie's 4thWallBreak Recursive work theater Part4

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

After leaving the studio, and before transiting between realities and back into the canon state of existence, Tome Heart and Puzzlemint had run into a dark blue pony with a sparkling and was a unicorn pegasus, or a pegasus unicorn.

Princess Luna nuzzled Tome Heart and Puzzlemint. "Go home my little ponies. Prove to creation you have a right in your own world. And Puzzlemint, I am happy to see that there is one universe where you've been allowed to grow and live, a pony with a passion to understand and learn like you shouldn't have to simply vanish. Goodluck, save your world. And tell Pinkie Pie and Minty that they are the best of friends any pony can hope to meet."

Tome Heart then awoke in the balloon where she had fallen asleep with Scootaloo. While Puzzlemint awoke on Butterfly Island after she had been properly introduced to Star Catcher's mother Star Maker.

And we are back everyone! What did you expect we would end the show like that? Of course not silly! Don’t you remember what I said earlier? We have plenty of spare batteries.  However, sadly I had to ask Puzzlemint and Tome Heart to leave. The rules are the same shadows just remember to try to keep a seven pony limit on the studio. Trust me you do not want to see what happens if we go over that limit!” Pinkie said with an unusually serious face before turning back to her usual cheerful grin. “Without further ado let the party contin….”

Suddenly Pinkie Pie’s spine starts tinkling, her eyes starts watering up along with her tail twitching erratically. “Oh no, what did I forget this time?” Before Pinkie could pull out her calendar again, all the lights in the studio suddenly went out.

“Ah Pinkie Pie why did everything get dark!”

“I can’t skate if I can’t see where I going”

“What in tarnation, Pinkie did ya forget to pay da electric bill or something?”

“Was that it? Did I forget to pay the electric bill? “Hmm….nope still tingling.”

“Oh Soarin, I am so glad you like my dress, then again I always dress in style”

“Hehehe Rainbow is talking in her sleep”.

“PINKIE  I can’t read if I can’t see! ” grumbled an irritated  Twilight.

“Then why don’t you shed some light on things with your magically horn?”

Before Twilight could however, several lightning bolts were heard outside followed by a booming voice that seemed to come from all directions.   “You Dare Not Offer up a Proper Sacrifice To Your Princess? For This Deed Most Foul You Shall Be Gobble Up Whole By…NIGHTMARE MOON!”

Suddenly the lights came back on to reveal Nightmare Moon in the studio. Standing just several feet away from everypony. She was staring menacingly at them with glowing bright white eyes. She had a worn a sinister smile that showed her razor sharp fangs.  Everypony present proceeded to screamed at the top of their lungs, while hugging each other. Well almost everypony.

“Soarin what’s wrong? Was the hat too much? Zzzzzzz” 

5 minutes later.

 “I am soooo sorry again princess.” Twilight apologized for the 27th time. Head bowed low to the ground.

“Please stop apologizing Twilight.” Replied the princess of the night while nursing her head with an ice pack. “After all we did overdid…ow … the theatrics a bit. Good job on that energy blast by the way. Our sister would be most proud of your progress.”

“Not to be rude but was da scare really necessary ah nearly thought mah would heart stop” Applejack said.

Luna simply smiled. “Perhaps not but given the time of year. We thought it would be most appropriate”

“Well next time try to give us a head up. Poor Fluttershy and Rarity are still unconscious from that fright you gave everyone.” Applejack said.

After several failed attempt to revive them, the ponies felt it was best to move them near Rainbowdash in the corner of the studio. Rainbowdash surprised everyone when she managed to sleep through the entire entrance of ‘Nightmare Moon’. While the cyan pegasus was snoozing Applejack sworn she heard her mumble something about her dresses in her sleep?

 “We apologize but we thought we did announce our coming weeks ago?” Luna said while turning her head to look at a certain pink party pony.

“You did? Oh hehe oopsie, sorry princess it seems like I been super-duper forgetful lately”. Replied Pinkie, her tingling finally coming to an end. “But Nightmare Fright was ages ago!  What took you so long to come visit us at our super special awesome party? Pinke said with huge puppy dog eyes.

 “We apologize but we have been busy tending to everyone’s dreams. Nightmares tend to run amuck after our holiday. Beside it seems you have been quite busy yourself Pinkie Pie. Luna said while looking around the studio. In particular at her sleeping friends.

“What do you mean Princess. It not like I nearly caused the universe to implode or something. Hahahha” Pinkie said with a nervous laugh. Luna simply raised an eyebrow at Pinkie’s odd behavior, well odder than usual. “Oh I know Princess, since you are here why don’t you pick the next reclusive piece for us to review. It seems like it has been ages since we done one”.

“Very well but what is a reclusive piece?” asked the confused alicorn.

Relieved to change the topic Pinkie went about explaining what her friends and her were doing in the studio. Meanwhile two other ponies were having their own chat.

“Twilight are you feeling alright? Ever since that boring lecture Pinkie gave us, you have been acting mighty strange.” The apple farmer asked her purple friend.

“Have I? Now that you mentioned it, AJ ever since I drank that cider I been feeling like my whole body was overflowing with energy. Must have been a sugar rush, how could I forget Pinkie loves to load everything with sugar” Twilight said with smile. “I am starting to feel better though, I think it is starting to wear off.

“Yah sugar rush. That makes sense.” Applejack said to herself. “However what doesn’t make sense is… WHOA…dang it.”

“Applejack are you okay, did you trip on something?” the unicorn said worriedly down at her friend who was now lying flat on her stomach.

 “Ah fine, just for some reason it seems like ah got four left hooves. “Applejack said while attempting to right herself up.

“Applejack do you need any help?” Twilight said without trying to laugh at her friend’s clumsiness.

“Do ah look like ah need help Twilight?” Huffed the earth pony finally standing up straight and proceeding to walk a couple of steps before stumbling and falling comically on her face again. This time Twilight could not help but let out a giggle despite herself. Applejack looked simply too silly with her hat now lying on her butt.

Near the other end of the studio, Pinkie in front of a screen projector was finishing her explanation to the night princess.  “We think we understand now Pinkie, thank you for the explanation but what about that machine over there?

 “Oh that is simply the Pinkie Party Piece Picker 7000 or PPPP7 for short. It randomly choices one of our fans works for us to review.”

“Intriguing we would like to use it.” Luna then turned to the machine to address it. “PPPP7 we would like for you to show us one your scariest works.” The machine did nothing. “Perhaps you did not hear your princess. She asked you to display your scariest piece possible.”

“Hehehe Luna you have to turn it on first”. Pinkie said doing her best not to burst into even more laughter.

Embarrassed Luna did what she was told and the machine quickly spun to live to produce a paper out of the small door. “Huzzah we did it! And this time we didn’t even start a fire. Perhaps our sister will allow us to use the toaster again after all.” Feeling proud Luna decided to look at the paper. “We are most satisfied but do not think some ponies present would care to gaze upon it.

Pinkie glanced at it and quickly understood why. “Hang on a moment”.

It read “Caution the following image is rated PG-13 for being super-duper terrifying, depressing and a tiny bit gory. If there are any colts or fillies in the audience, please have your parents’ permission before clicking the following link. Thank you.”

“Okay princess you can put the piece in the projector now. Oh, that thing behind you. Hehee, other way princess.”

“I must commend the artist on this terrifying piece of work. We love all the little details he/she has included such as the tear stains, and blood dripping down the nightmare’s body. I must asked though was she really that huge?”

“She was, but Poor Fluttershy, she was in so much uper duper pain then.” Pinkie Pie was holding a hoof to her chest, she will never forget how much pain she was in when she grabbed that red orb, and that was ONLY HALF of what Fluttershy was feeling!

 “We were lucky to save her. If Fluttercruel had not have come in when she did…I do not want to think what would have happen.” Twilight suddenly thought about the elder horn. Princess Celestia said not to worry about it and that she and her sister would make sure, it will never see the light of day or night again. She hopes that was true but she could not help but wonder where it came from and who created it.

Applejack who finally managed to join the others said nothing. She simply stared at the Nightmare her friend once became. The earth pony was thankful that the image at least did not show Nightmare Whisper’s chest. She will never forget that half-skeletal foal that was in there.

Everyone sat around for several seconds before the quiet was finally broken by a quiet voice. “Oh…I can’t remember the last time I slept so well. I am sorry… did I disrupt something?

Everypony panicked when they heard the buttermilk pegasus waked up. Luckily thanks to Pinkie, the projector was turned off before Fluttershy got a good looked at it.

“Nope nothing Fluttershy, we were just talking to Princess Luna about how great it would be to go scuba diving sometime right princess?” Pinkie nervously said while nudging the dark alicorn near her.

“Er…yes, that is correct we were talking about the joys of…scuba diving but sadly we must depart now. There are still many dreams we must attend to. Sorry we couldn’t stay for longer. Goodbye everypony until we see each other again.”

“Oh okay, goodbye Princess Luna.” As the night princess left the studio, Fluttershy didn’t notice 3 ponies give a breath of relief. However she did notice something else.  “Uh girls why am I wearing roller-skates?”.

"Oh that . . ." Pinkie Pie said, she was happy to see her friend was herself again, and was back to normal, and hadn't suffered any damage from Pinkie Pie's desperate and ill-thought out attempt to keep the demi-non-canon-universe from imploding. "Uh, Rarity was teaching you how to roller skate, but you bumped your head and forgot it."

Fluttershy's pose and attitude changed. "NO SHE DIDN'T! She thought she was a fairy pony, and had an ENTIRE LIFE TIME'S memories of being one, thousands of years of being one! I buckin' saw them!"

"That must have been very strong sugar I put in the cider." Pinkie Pie grinned pushing the spiked rainbow berry punch out of sight.

Fluttercruel stomped over to her and Stared at her, Pinkie Pie responded by quickly putting on a pair of sunglasses.

"HEY! That's cheating!" Fluttercruel hissed trying to swipe them off but Pinkie Pie bounded back.

"Fluttercruel!" The pegasus' tone and pose changed again. "BAD FILLY! Using the stare on our friends? That's a terrible thing to do! It's . . ." Fluttershy stuttered a little, "I-It's not right at all . . ."

Everypony thought back to the battle with Nightmare Whisper, and knew what Fluttershy was reliving. Everypony hugged her. Twilight saw Pinkie Pie was crying.

"PInkie?" Twilight whispered. "Are you okay?"

"Of course I am." Pinkie Pie grinned through her tears. Twilight teleported them a little away from the group hug. Well, as much a group hug it as now, with RD still mumbling about dresses in her sleep and Rarity still unconscious.

"Pinkie Pie." Twilight said sternly.

"Twilight . . . I know that world is never coming back. And that it was going to fall apart no matter what anypony did . . . but . . . Rarity and Fluttershy became their old selves Twilight, at least on the inside they did . . . it was like they had risen from the dead. I never got to say goodbye to Zipzee, and I didn't get to say goodbye to her this time either! And Princess Rarity? She died in my forelegs Twilight! I just . . . I just wanted a chance to say goodbye."

"It made you happy didn't it?" Twilight asked.

"Yes Twilight it did."

"And everything that happens here in the studio or because of it is non-canon? Meaning it doesn't effect the universe at all?"

"Yeah, that's kinda the point. And that we don't do anything super awful, well, mostly, is proof that we're still good ponies."

A determined look appeared on Twilight's face.

"Pinkie Pie. Can you promise me just one thing?"

"I wanna know what it is first so-"


Very confused by Twilight's forceful personality, Pinkie Pie conceded.

"Good. Just promise me you'll wake up me before the show ends. And be sure to give Minty a proper good-bye this time." Twilight then teleported the remaining bottles of rainbow berry punch marked as cider to her, and downed them all in several gulps, then teleported to a mirror hung on the studio wall, and used the memory spell ON HERSELF.

"Twilight!" Pinkie Pie was at her friend's side.

Twilight opened the most innocent and pure eyes this world had ever known. "Geeze Pinkie! What's with the long face! Did I get your birthday wrong again? . . . Hey! How did I get purple? And how did I become a unicorn? Did Princess Rarity do this with her wand? Being a unicorn isn't so bad, but couldn't she have kept me green?!"

"Minty?" Pinkie Pie whispered.

"That's my name! Don't wear it out!" Twilight giggled and made a little jump and hugged her. "By the way, whose Twilight?"


"I just . . .remember her telling me . . . to tell us to have fun before it's time to come home."

Pinkie Pie realized what Twilight had for her, and gave tears of joy. "Alright Minty!" She hugged her best friend. "Come on, let me introduce you to the others."

Pinkie Pie held up a card to the camera.

1. "What you write in the comments is copy and pasted into the story."
2. "Nopony besides me can see beyond the fourth wall or interact with it and I can't spill the beans about us being out-and-out fiction to the others."
3. "The camera can NOT leave the studio."
4. Guests can be from any generation, toy or comic but they have to be from "My little Pony"
5. "Everything that happens here is non-canon."
6. HAVE FUN!!!
7. Try to keep only seven ponies in the studio at a time MAX (yes the Flutters count as two) or TERRIBLE THINGS will happen.

Applejack meanwhile, found herself thinking about munching on apples and lazying the day away rather than hard working. And . . . who was Bowtie? And why would she help her decorate the apple orchard with her ribbons? Applejack shook her head, but felt more befuddled. And her hat kept falling over her eyes! Dang it! That had to be strong cider! It was the cider right? AJ reluctantly put the hat down, strangely feeling free without it, but looking at the base of her tail, why did she feel so NAKED without a bow on it?
-Rarity shook her head, and slowly sat up, "Uh, why am I wearing rollerskates?"

"Because Rollerskates are now in fashion!" Pinkie Pie grinned. Ignoring the pain inside, Rarity was her good friend TOO.

"Really? Are you SURE?" Rarity looked at her roller skates confused.

Rainbow Dash then let out a yawn as she slowly woke up. "Whew, that was a good nap. But for some reason, I can't stop thinking about always dressing in style."

Pinkie Pie giggled nervously. "Yeah, you probably had one doozy of a dream from all the cider you drank. It's probably nothing you need to worry about."

Rainbow Dash thought about this for a moment before shrugging. "Yeah, you're probably right. Well, I think it's time to choose the next recursive work."

Right on cue, the PPPP7 whirred to life, spitting out another work that Rainbow Dash grabbed and placed on the pegasus projector.

"But before that!" Pinkie Pie, "Let me introduce you to Minty!"

"Pinkie, that's Twilight." RD pointed.

"Who is that again?" Minty asked.

"I'll explain!" Pinkie Pie said quickly.

One long confusing explanation later that left the ponies confused, but mostly able to grasp that Minty was . . . Twilight play pretend? A split personality? A past life regression? Her channeling a dead ancestor?

Pinkie Pie turned on the project to keep things going.…

Rarity spoke first. "I have to say, the artist did a good job of capturing how much anguish your Dark World counterpart has gone through because of Discord, Rainbow Dash. They say the eyes are windows to the soul, and it is quite obvious that her soul has almost been torn to pieces from all of the sadistic choices that Discord has forced her to make."

Applejack said, "You got that right. It's quite obvious that she's desperate, because that varmint Discord is making her think that if she doesn't kill one of her friends, he'll make Cloudsdale fall from the sky."

Fluttershy said, "But there's no way even he would do that...right?" Her posture and voice immediately changed to Fluttercruel, who said, "No way. Even he wouldn't do something like that."

Pinkie Pie said, "And he didn't. After Twilight The Unicorn beat Traitor Dash, nothing happened to Cloudsdale or the Sky Ocean. All of the threats he made to destroy those two places if Traitor Dash ever failed him were just bluffs."

Minty said, "So in addition to being a bully, this Discord character only made empty threats? Well, I guess the potential consequences for failing were so great that this Traitor Dash was too scared to find out if he would actually follow through on them."

Rainbow Dash said, "I know one thing for sure. Ender Dash when my Dark World self is freed from Discord's control is certain to be at least twenty percent cooler."

"Alright, let's see what we get this time!" said Pinkie, setting up another picture on the screen.

Everyone blinked, and slowly looked awkwardly at AJ, who was still trying to not trip over herself. "Oh yeah...that was when...when Ah got this truth vision of mine..." she said, despite her current situation still looking somewhat startled to see it. "As yah can tell...seein' all of that weren't easy on the eyes," she stated.

"That said, Ah can tell yah they did a right good job capturin' everythin', cept Ah had a hoof lodged in the gears of the machine at the time."

"How clumsy..." Rarity remarked.

"Weren't clumsy, Ah did it on purpose so Ah wouldn't be able tah look away!"

Rainbow Dash facehoofed. "Applejack, you're STILL the stubbornest pony I've ever met..."

Rarity cleared her throat. "Well, that being a given, the ponies suffering under...Discord's rule are clearly well depicted. I feel quite sorry for them. However, I'm not certain what the other pictures are of..."

"They're alternate universes, Princesses said they're 'possibilities and impossibilities'. Ah don't know much about any of 'em, just saw 'clips.' The one of another meh is Orangejack, a version of meh who's an Element of Generosity."

"So in that universe you took my place as Generosity?"

"Nah, yah were still Generosity, Ah just didn't leave Manehatten and Big Mac took mah place. Seems when Ah ain't Honest, he is."

" strange, I wonder what the universe were you're generosity and I'm not looks like..."

"One way to find out!" Pinkie said, producing the What If Machine. "What If Machine, what would happen if Applejack was Generosity instead of Rarity?"

The screen flickered to life.

"Bank you, Applejack," said Derpy Hooves, taking the bundle of apples, one wing and one leg in casts. "I...I don't blow what..."

"Don't say anythin' Ditzy, yah need a little help right now, Ah got more than yah do, so why should Ah be stingy?" asked Applejack, wearing a bit more refined attire and stance, but still looking like a farm girl. "Yah just worry about getting gettin' better, gotcha?"

"Alright, thank blue, Applejack..."


Applejack turned back to head home to Sweet Apple Acres, which had be expanded considerably over its original self. Sure, she hadn't liked Manehatten too much, but she'd spent enough time there to pick up a thing or two about business in the years she'd stayed there before moving back to take control of finances when...when Granny Smith had her accident. Enough to get Sweet Apple Acres well in the green...but she'd never felt right about keeping all the prosperity to herself. It didn't feel like the Apple way. If you had more than you needed, why horde it like a dragon?

"Abigail!" called a sweet, cultured voice.

"Howdy Rarity! How's things goin' in Manehatten?"

"Oh, they absolutely LOVE my designs! Thank you SO much for introducing me to the uppercrust."

"Hey, what are friends for?"

Rarity blinked, staring at the screen. "Accident?"

"Well...Granny Smith needed a new hip for a our universe, Ah was home tah catch her and call Nurse Redheart in when she fell so just her hip got hurt...but that's the only thin' Ah can guess..." Applejack's eyes teared up and the thought. "Ah guess somethin' different musta happened in Orangejack's timeline or...maybe she didn't die and just got hurt real bad, still makes meh sad tah think about it..."

The farm pony got a hug. "There's no such thing as a perfect world, Applejack," Fluttershy said. "I know that better than anyone."

Pinkie Pie nodded sadly. "And at least Rarity's still nice in that universe!"

"Yes...though, Applejack, do you think perhaps you could..."

"Rarity, Ah'm just now gettin' tah know mah Aunt and Uncle Orange again, Ah don't got any Manehatten connections yet."


", Minty, what do you think of the picture?"

Minty looked at it curiously. "Everypony looks so upset...I...don't know how to react to that...but the filly with the Candy Cane seems nice!"

"She is, maybe I'll introduce you before you go home..."


"Hey, Pinkie!" Minty said, pointing her hoof at the latest picture the PPPP7 was displaying. Her voice sounded less joyful than usual as she said, "This isn't real, right? This is a made-up picture?"

"Which one? Pinkie asked before she saw it. "Oh..."


The other ponies gathered around to see the picture. Twilight-Minty's ears were down as she asked the others,  "This is, that's not real, right? I mean no one would be mean enough to keep a mother locked away from the sweet little filly she loves, right?"

"I hope not!" Rarity said. "Unless some prince of a pony comes and saves her, the poor mare." She covered her mouth, wondering why she had said that. But . . . those roller skates were looking real fun . . . ugh. Seeing Twilight acting like this 'Minty' was making her feel funny. She didn't share that she fully knew about poor Diamond and Screwball's relationship.

Pinkie Pie looked at her. Maybe Princess Rarity hadn't vanished yet after all.

Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie all just looked at each other. They knew something about Screwball and Diamond Tiara; but how to explain it to innocents like Minty and and possibly Princess Rarity? AJ and Pinkie tried to find something to say.

Fluttershy shuddered, and then Fluttercruel spoke: "It's not like that, Minty, Rarity. The, ah, 'sweet' little filly's mom is sick. And she... might hurt her daughter without meaning to. So they have to be kept apart for a little while. Just until she gets better like, like she did for a bit with my," she gulped, "my help."

"Huh? Ohhhh!" Minty looked the Flutters in the face. "So you're helping to make her better?"

"Yeah, kind of. I'm working on it." Fluttercruel said, trying not to look embarrassed. She added under her breath, "We will once we find out where she got off to."

Minty looked at it one last time. "If we can't do anything else for her, I'm going to wish that she at least dreams about having her daughter back before they really get back together. That's okay, right?" Pinkie and the other nodded at her. Minty closed her eyes and furrowed her brow as she made her wish. For a moment she thoght she saw a disheveled purple mare sleeping under leaves in a dark park somewhere, holding a stuffed pony doll close, smile softly.

"Okay," Pinkie said, wiping a tear away. "Let's see if we can get some happy stuff up!"
Rainbow Dash said, "Okay, how about a picture of Ender Dash AFTER she was freed from Discord's control?"

The PPPP7 whirred into action, spitting out an image which Rainbow Dash then put on the projector.…

Rarity said, "Now this is just beautiful. It captures the essence of Rainbow Dash, who has finally broken free of Discord's control, perfectly. And the rainbow-colored lightning around her is simply-really cool!!" Rarity cheered her voice rising greatly in pitch for a moment as she covered her mouth again in surprise.

Applejack said, "And that daredevil smile is something only you can pull off, RD."

Rainbow Dash smiled, perfectly matching the look that the image displayed. "See, what did I tell you guys? This is at least twenty percent cooler then the first one!"

"It was great!" Applejack said raising up and then fall backwards and spinning backwards before hitting the back studio fall and having a convenient bucket of apples empty on a shelf above her and fall on her silly head.  "Ah thought this stuff was only supposed ta happen ta Derpy." Her voice echoed.

Rarity laughed, her voice sounding younger than it should have as she caught herself.

Minty in Twilight's body laughed too. "Wow! And I thought I was the only thing klutzy things happened to!"
Fluttershy said, "I'd like to hear a story about Ms. Cheerilee."

The PPPP7 popped a recursive work out, but before it could be placed on the projector, Rarity took a look at it and said, "I'm not sure this is a good one. It touches back on when you were Princess Gaia."

Fluttershy said, "That's fine with me. If it shows that I helped her, that will be one less thing I'll need to feel guilty for. And if it shows that I hurt her, that just means I'll need to apologize to her later."

With a sigh, Rarity placed the work on the projector.

Fluttershy said, "Okay, so it looks like the events of that day helped her remember those memories and realize that she herself had been suppressing those memories. So it looks like I might have helped her."

Rarity said, "Yes, but I feel the need to point out that if it had been anyone else who she had shared the love poison with, she would have felt the same thing for them. Even if it was that muscular brute of a pegasus Roid Rage!"

This caused everyone else (except for Minty in Twilight's body) to shudder at the thought of those two getting together. Rainbow Dash finally said, "Okay, I could seriously use some brain bleach to get that disturbing image out of my head."

"WAIT A SECOND!" Pinkie Pie cried out, and looked the story over again. "This isn't a recursive! Geeze! We've got lots left, why are we divining into stuff that's  . . . erm, close to Ponyville?"

"I don't mind." Minty in Twilight's body said.

"Yeah, but this is a recursive theater! Can't go changing that into false advertising!"

AJ said, "I think Roid Rage wouldn't have been as much a gentlestallion after the spell was over. My brother could have sold the jewel and gotten money for us. Or given it to somemare else. Instead he chose to give it to her after all . . . I bet the two of them would like to see an undersea concert of seaponies!" AJ blinked. Where had that one come from?
Pinkie got a huge grin on her face. "YAY! This one! I've been waiting for a when we'd get to it again! Too bad the Shadow was too busy to review it!"

"I'm sorry! I'm a college student!" called a voice from off stage.


Rarity looked at Pinkie. "Go on, Pinkie Pie."

"Okeyee doki loki!"

"This seems...oddly familiar," said Rarity, rubbing her head. "And I also feel strangely annoyed I'm not in this one 'either' for some reason...I remember hearing a first chapter in my...dream though..."

Pinkie chuckled. "Yeah...that's cause I reviewed it while you slept! What do you think?"

"I believe that this Puzzlemint seems quite the fun pony to hang around with," said Rarity. "She has a contagious curiosity."

"I'm just glad this Scootaloo wasn't a girly girl! She's still a sports lover just like I know her! Even if she's not a Pegasus," Rainbow stated with a smirk.

"I think that Mr. Tome Heart would make a good coltfriend. for Twilight," said Fluttercruel, giving a smirk. "They good have their date right there at the library...oh, right..." she said, looking at Minty, a little annoyed Purple 'wasn't here' at the moment. 'Darn, and with our luck in this place Pinkie would've pulled Tome Heart here to test it out...'

"...She has a point..." said Applejack, still trying to keep herself out of trouble.

Minty gave a smile. "They're still like Story Belle and Puzzlemint I know but...different, they seem...what do you call it?"

"More complex?" Pinkie asked, admitting these versions of her friends had more depth to them.

Minty nodded. "Yeah, that!"
The what if machine, began to click and buzz. Pinkie Pie turned to the fancy machine and gave it a stern look, "Okay Mister! It better be a NICE universe you show this time! Or you're going back in the trash bin that I already threw you into!"

Minty in Twilight body wondered, "Oh what that thing do Pinkie?"

"Oh this is the What-If Machine, it shows up different possible universe, sometimes they're normal, normally they're not. I think this thing has a sick sense of humor."

"Advert yer eyes Fluttershy, Ah don't think yeow!" AJ tripped and both she and the Flutters tumbled to the floor.

"When did you become a clown AJ?" RD asked flapping above them.

"Ah dunno." AJ said her eyes spinning, a catchy song playing her head.

"I hope it's COOL!" Rarity exclaimed then covered her mouth in shock.


Twilight Sparkle stood in front of a golden coated Alicorn with blue eyes, platinum mane, and a 'star over the horizon' cutie mark.

Twilight was wearing a weird blue jacket with white trim, on one foreleg was a small gizmo sort of like a gauntlet with a touch screen showing HP bars and pictures of monsters from different mythologies.

Both stood in a massive palace.

( = 4BLM_101_Chokkaku - Bleach = )

"Twilight Sparkle!" Morning Star snapped. "A pony with your intelligence and awareness! How can you possibly blindly serve that tyrant?!"

"'That Tyrant' you mean father of Alicorns don't you?" Twilight asked flatly.

"Don't be a fool! You've seen it! He's an evil vain dictator who has created the universe in such a way that it will be subjugated under him forever. He's ruthless and holds no empathy towards your ponies! You've seen what he's done! How can you accept his slander of calling me 'evil?!'"

Twilight Sparkle sighed, "For the concept of perfection, you'er sure lack in perception."

"What the Tartarus are you talking about?! You've fallen for his lies?!"

"Your Father of Alicorn's lies? No."

"MY Father of Alicorns?! How dare you associate me with that tyrant!"

"You really DON'T get it, do you? Tell me Morning Star, do you remember when four Minor Arcana, in this own scheme to bring about the world they thought The Father of Alicorns wanted, were so strong in their zealot belief, that it actually created a fake Father Of Alicorns? It's how this world works, strength of mind and strength of will can create."

"SO WHAT? That laughable imitation ultimately had the exact same personality as the real one! Father of Alicorns simply had a DIFFERENT WAY it wanted to crush ponies' lives and freedom! And it can't stand ANYTHING deviating even from the slightest from what it wants!"

"So tell me Morning Star? Whose belief in what they're doing is right, whose conviction that what they're doing will bring about the greater good, that what they're fighting is true evil . . . is the strongest? So strong they were willing to defy creation itself to bring about their version of it?"

Morning Star's eyes widened, he snarled, fire coming from his mouth, "NO! That's absurd! You're delusional! That's impossible!"

"The real Father of Alicorns long ago decided to let ponies live their lives by their own choices, each one facing the reality of their choices when their soul stands before them. The Father of Alicorns you've been fighting against, or did you find it odd you could kill him, or that he kept coming back to life even when there was no one left to believe in him except you?"

"YOU'RE JUST MAKING EXCUSES!" Morning Star created a golden flaming sword that struck at Twilight, who drew a samurai sword that deflected the blows. "THE TRUE ENEMY CONTINUES TO EXIST BECAUSE OF COWARDS AND WEAKLINGS WHO DON'T HAVE THE STRENGTH OF WILL TO BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES!"

( = OST Movie 3: B13a - Bleach = )

"The real Father of Alicorns has been present in every hero whose stopped you, and your creation from rendering every choice meaningless in absolute chaos OR absolute order. Those heroes, who CARED about PEOPLE, about choices, empathy, THEY were the ones enacting the Father of Alicorn's will! Not the emotionless and insane zealots your creation gathered!"

"STOP SAYING THAT!" Their blades clashed, the walls of the palaced collapsed, revealing a sea of flames and a sky of stars.

Twilight Sparkle panted. "Take a real look Morning Star, take . . . a hard, long . . . look." Twilight Sparkle cast the strongest light spell she could. And Morning Star's shadow appeared and stretched, and stretched, until it took the form of a massive Alicorns with a blacker than black starscrape form against the much more life-like starscape and flames background behind it. Its face held no real expression except maybe contempt for everything, and its eyes glowed red. "ALL BOW TO ME! ALL SERVE ME! ALL OBEY ME!"

"No . . ." Morning Star looked robbed of all regality. He looked and snarled at Twilight Sparkle, "No, NO NO NO NO! THIS IS A LIE! THIS IS A TRICK! A TRICK! DIE!"

Twilight said, "Megidolaon," At point blank range as the golden flaming blade was about to bisect her.

The purple blast of magic, blew away the fallen Alicorn.

The Father of All Alicorns that Morning Star WANTED to exist, fell apart with him. When the smoke cleared, Twilight was surprised to find herself with wings and standing taller.

"This is the true resurrection of the goddess," She said.



"That was totally awesome!!!  . . . Even if I had no idea what was going on!" Rainbow Dash admitted.

"That made me feel funny." Minty admitted.

"Oh my . . . that was . . . that was . . . " Fluttershy stuttered, not really able to find the worlds with this completely bizarre and alien vision.

"Well I liked it." She then looked at . . . well, anyone who'd answer. "OUR universe doesn't work like that does it? I mean, if enough ponies believe in something it becomes real does it?"

"NOPE! That concept kinda . . . went bye-bye." Pinkie Pie admitted, happy none of her friends wondered how she could know that.

"Well good riddance," Rarity pointed up her noise, "I'm all for faith and love given somepony strength, but I'd rather not become a mean old nag simply because everypony else thinks it's true."

"AGREED!" Everypony nodded in agreement.

"Ah'd really not take that world at face value mahself," AJ said, "Seem a little TOO different from ours . . . "

"Don't worry AJ, it was just a parody universe, those pop up all the time on this thing. They're nothing to worry about."

"GOOD." AJ said, then wondered if they had any apples to snap out, licking her lips so greedily.  
"We haven't seen any pictures for a while!  Let's see...oh look, an oldie but goldie!" Pinkie said, putting a new work on the projector.

"...It's like four sorta-Discords and a mini-Discord-wannabe," Rainbow Dash said, "Who are they?"

"It says they're Discord's siblings," Rarity said, "Anarchy - wait, that sounds familiar for some reason - Destruction, Strife, Pandora, and Rancor."

"Those names don't sound very nice," Minty said, looking at the picture, "But these ponies sure look interesting!  They all have funny horns on their heads!  And the little 'Rancor' filly is super-cute!"

"Rancor was just born when her picture was added, that's why she's super-adorable," Pinkie agreed.

"That Destruction guy is kinda wild looking," Rainbow Dash admitted, "Pandora looks she might be a little too girly for me."

"Still, they're DISCORD'S siblings..." Rarity said, looking put-off (and not just because she wasn't in this picture EITHER), "I hope they're not as bad as he is."

"Oh they're not!  They might have all the yucky jobs in the universe, but they're not evil on the inside!" Pinkie Pie explained, "Rancor even grew up to help the versions of us in the Dark World!  ...Kinda.  It wasn't in exactly that order."
While Applejack was busy wondering why she had a hankering for apples, Rarity’s eye caught sight of the skates she discarded not too long ago. She walked over to them to get a closer look at them “Those are such tacky skates, so why do I feel the urge to put them on again?” She whispered to herself. She shook her head to collect her thoughts. “If they were a little more fashionable then maybe…”

“Hay Rarity are you okay” Applejack said while shaking a hoof in front of her friend’s face.

“Ah…Applejack, I didn’t see you there. I am fine. I was just deep in thought about some things. Thank you for asking though” replied the white mare. Applejack however could tell something was bothering her but decided not to say anything. She briefly looked at the skates before turning back to the unicorn.

“If ya say so. Anyway Rarity ah actually wanted to ask ya for something.”

“Sure, Applejack you know I am always willing to help a friend. What do you need darling.”

“Ah was wondering if ya had…a blue bow”.

“Er…what was that? I didn't quite hear that last part?”

“Ah said ah was wondering if ya had…a blue bow?” Applejack wished she didn't take off her hat earlier. Or else she would have used it to hide her surely blushing face. It probably wouldn't have mattered anyhow, with Rarity’s eye for detail.

“A blue bow? I might have packed one in my bags. Never know when a fashion emergency will happen but why do you need one?” Rarity could not help but notice Applejack was turning almost as red as Big Macintosh.

“Well no reason just thought I would try a new style with my tail is all.”

At this news, Rarity eyes seemed to be filled with dozens of shining stars. “Oh, why didn’t you say so earlier? I will be more than happy to style your tail but why stop just there. Oh, I have so many ideas I want to try with your mane.” If Applejack didn’t know better she would have sworn Rarity looked like a child who was told Christmas came early.

“Now wait a gosh darn minute Rarity. Ah just wanted... wait, where did you those brushes come from and is that shampoo?  Rarity wait, I changed my mind?”

Back on other side of the studio. Rainbow dash, Fluttershy/Fluttercruel and Minty were waiting for Pinkie to finish fine-tuning the PPPP7. After it produced the Cheerilee chapter from their universe, Pinkie felt the machine needed a tune up.

“There that should do it.” Pinkie closed the panel on the PPPP7 and put away the tools she had surrounded herself with to reconfigure the machine. She turned back to the camera. “There shouldn’t be any more stories coming from our ‘neighborhood’ anymore’ ”.

As if on cue the PPPP7 lit up and produced not one but two more reclusive pieces to review. Pinkie pulled them out to look at them.

“Oh this is interesting. This is a shadow’s interpretation of what Fluttercruel would look like if she was a draconequus like Discord and Fluttershy was a dragon.” She placed them on the projector for her friends to see as well.……

“Wow, you guys look awesome, almost radical even. Just imagine if Shy really was a dragon. I bet she wouldn’t have her phobia for them anymore. ” Commented Rainbow Dash.

“Oh….maybe but how would I take care of all my animal friends then? I would be so big that I might accidentally hurt them” She shivered at the mental image of her unintentionally stepping on her pet bunny Angel. Her fur then darkened and her cutie mark changed.

“Don’t worry mom, I am sure you would never harm them. You are way too cautious for that to happen even if you…er we did turn into a dragon. ” Fluttercruel glanced at her Draconequus form again. She briefly wondered how having a scorpion tail would feel like before shifting over to her mom again.

“You are right Cruel, thank you.”

Pinkie smiled at the warming scene. “Minty what do you think about the pictures?”

“The dragon is beautiful but the Draconequus thingy scares me a little. I do not know why but it reminds me of a sad day. Which is weird.”  Minty whacking her brain trying to make sense of it.

Pinkie looked troubled. How much did Minty remember of that fateful day? It is possible she might remember Strife or Discord and how their world ended. Before she could say anything though a voice diverted every ponies’ attention.

“Keep that thing away from me, Rarity!”

“But Applejack you will look simply amazing in this dress. Won’t you please reconsider?”

The ponies stared at the scene. Applejack no longer had her mane and tail in ponytails anymore. Instead, her hair flowed freely behind her, and had a blue bow on her tail. Along with her missing hat, Applejack looked almost like a different pony. She was currently galloping away from Rarity as fast as possible. Rarity who was not far behind her was holding a dress in her magic. The dress was the most girlishness thing any pony ever seen. It was fitted with bows and ribbons or various colors of the rainbow.

“Yeah, ha ha, Applejack why don’t you wear it. The dress doesn’t look that bad. In fact, I think it would look simply dashing on you.” Rainbow dash said before bursting into laughter.

Applejack was not amused. “I have a better idea, if you love it so much, why don’t you wear it?”

Rarity stopped chasing AJ and looked at the laughing pegasus.

“Oh, what a splendid idea. Now that I think about it, the dress will go much better with your rainbow colors darling.”

“HAHAHA…wait, what was that? Oh no, there is no way you will ever get me to wear that dress in a million years darling. Wait did I just say darling?”

“Oh Rainbow Dash you did, now please be a dear and keep still. I need to make some holes for your wings”

“Sorry but I just remembered I uhh… forgot to feed Tank. Poor guy must be hungry. See you darlings, I mean GUYS later.”

Rainbow Dash flew out of the studio in record time.

“Rainbow Dash come back here this instant.”

She was not going to her let her friend get away that easily, it would be a crime against fashion. She hastily put on the roller skates again, not caring if they were fashionable or not to pursuit her winged friend. Her movements were jerky at first, but quickly became more graceful by the time she got out the door.  She still had the girly dress in her magic as she skated away.

“Oh dear, Pinkie shouldn't we go follow them?” asked Minty.

“Don’t worry Minty those two are just playing around. I am sure they will be back in no time. Heck they will probably be back in time for the next reclusive piece”. After reassuring Minty, Pinkie eyes drifted to a closed curtain that concealed the character pressure gauge. On the other hoof that doesn’t mean we won’t be visited by somepony else before Rainbow dash and Rarity comes back. Who is to say really? Oh, right the shadows. Pinkie giggled at that last thought.
The What-If machine suddenly fired up again, heedless of Pinkie's warning about it showing only nice AUs.


Morning Star pulled himself to his hooves, panting and grunting in pain from his wounds, as he looked across the conjured battlefield at what could only be described as his doppelganger. It was him, the same coat, Cutie Mark, wings and horn; the only thing on this other alicorn that was not his were the eyes. The double's eyes were like empty pits into the blackest, coldest depths, devoid of anything but hatred, malice and disdain.

"Why?" The copy asked, flinging the wounded alicorn farther away with its telekinesis. Morning Star was too tired to mount any sort of defense and fell to the ground once more. "Why do you still fight on, Perfection?" That stupid title again; yes, it was his concept, but it wasn't his name like the copy was treating it. "Those pathetic mortals below don't even know you exist, wouldn't care if you up and left one day, they aren't even perfect beings. And yet, here you are, defending them as though they have worth."

"They DO have worth!" Morning Star felt the pain magnify as he stood once more, gritting his teeth. "Even if they aren't perfect, even if they never can be perfect, they still as hard as they can to BE perfect. They need an ideal, somepony they can look up to whenever they can't find guidance elsewhere. I will be that ideal, and I will not fail them!" He fired a blast from his horn, bu the copy deflected it away with a scoff.

"You've gone soft," it started to gather it's own power, "you've spent so much time worrying about those pathetic toys of Mother and Father's and not enough strengthening yourself. You are no longer perfect."

"Is that all you care about?! Being 'perfect'?!" Morning Star was rapidly growing sick of the look-a-like's one track mind. "This world, and every being that inhabits it, is perfect in its own imperfections. You will never find two that are completely alike, never find one that will take everything exactly as another, never find any that would trade away their individuality for your perverted idea of what 'perfection' truly is!"

"Then you will die with your flawed protectorates!" The copy fired it's blast, only for Morning Start to capture it within a shield just as it got to him and blast it back.

"With them? No." He lowered his horn at the copy, still getting to its hooves. "But for them? Always." His own power shining as bright as his namesake star, the alicorn charged his doppelganger.


Far below, ponies, gryphons, diamond dogs, dragons and every species in between stared up at the sky.

A meteor shower had started falling; though it was beautiful, none of them could help but feel a twinge of sadness within. As though something was lost, even if they didn't know what.

At a palace, two sisters mourned the loss of their dear brother.

Beyond the boundaries of space and time, a Mother and Father bowed their heads, both proud of their son.


The machine settled a moment later, Pinkie Pie standing near it with a mallet in case it did get too depressing.

"Okay... it's not happy, but it's not TOO sad. I'll let you have it, but you're still on thin ice, Mister!"


The PPPP7 flashed again signaling it produced another fanwork for the ponies to review.

Pinkie stopped looking expectantly at the door and bounced to the machine to take it.

“Let’s see what we get to review now.” Pinkie glanced at the paper. “Oh, this is interesting. This one is different from the others but…it is still technically a reclusive piece.”

Pinkie gave duplicates to all her friends still left in the studio to see it as well.


“Oh well I don’t know what a tum-blr is but if it is helping another me teach her daughter to open up more then I like it. I wish her daughter luck on trying to find friends.  I also love the background they chose, it is so beautiful. Makes me almost wish I can shrink down and sleep in one of those flowers” Fluttershy said with a weird expression on her face before switching over to Flutttercruel.

“Humph, of course you like it, the other Fluttershy probably chose it. I agree with the other me, that theme is humiliating. Couldn’t they decide on something… oh I don’t know less garish. At least I know there is another me out there that didn’t disappear after the old man turned into a giant paper weight again.”

“What is that about traveling to another universe and meeting another Screwball or Golden Tiara though? Is that tumblr thing connected to, a big magic mirror well or something?" Asked Applejack cautiously still with her look. Thankfully the half of their friends who didn't know about alternate universes (for the sake of their sanity) weren't present.

Despite the unwelcomed makeover by Rarity, she could not bring herself to put her mane and tail back into a ponytail. Something about this new look felt right for some reason. Now if only she could find some apples to satisfy her hunger. She felt like she could eat a whole barrel of them!

“Actually her name is called Pitch in that universe and no Applejack. It only exists as part of the 'outside of canon' like in the studio, and like how the camera can't leave the studio. Tumblr is a wonderful device that by itself has the power to let everyday ponies to interact not only with other ponies in their world but other universes as well. It even allows them to visit them as well!”

“Wow that sounds amazing Pinkie! I wish our world had it.” Minty said.

“Oh, me too. It would be super fun to visit that one world where Discord became an earth pony or that one where Twilight and Trixie found Copycat. However, maybe not that one with that mean pony and her magic shop. Then again maybe all she needs is a party and a hug to stop being so evil all the time.”

"Whose Copycake?" Minty asked innocently.

“The old man as an earth pony? Now that I would love to see.” Said Fluttercruel with smirk.

Suddenly a loud yet familiar explosive was heard outside the studio. Pinkie, the flutters and Minty went to the window to see what was happening outside. Pinkie made sure to bring the camera along to see as well. Sure enough, a rainbow colored explosion was seen in the distance with a rainbow trail following behind a small dot in the sky.

“Wow a rainbow did Princess Rarity make it?” Minty said, happy to see a rainbow in such a long time.

“Princess Rarity?  Fluttercruel raised an eyebrow at that. “No that was Rainbow Dash. She must have performed the Sonic Rainboom. Heehe she must have been really desperate to use that to escape Rarity. Too bad I would have loved to see her in that dress”.

“Give her time. Maybe you will still get too.” Pinkie said while looking through a telescope she managed to pull from somewhere, using it to get a better view of rainbow dash flying. She giggled when she remember how Rainbow Dash was acting before she left. If that was any indication then maybe Rarity won’t NEED to catch her.

Fluttercruel rolled her eyes. “Well I still do not think she ever catch her. You agree with me don’t you Applejack?” Turning her head though she notice Applejack was near the other side of the room in a big pile of apples. “Applejack what are you doing and where did all those apples come from?”

“In that fridge over there”. The earth pony then took a bite out of an apple from the pile. She happily munch on it to her heart’s desire.

“Oh Apples can I have one!” Minty made a gesture to grab an apple before she was swatted away by the greedily mare. “Hey that’s not nice. Didn’t anyone teach you to share?”

“These are my apples. Get your own.” Applejack position her body in front the pile to shield it from any would be thieves.

“Applejack those apples are meant for everyone. Besides there is still plenty of hay fries and potato fritters left on the table. Sure, they might be a couple weeks old but they should still be fine to eat. Applejack just stared at Pinkie Pie. “Okay a couple of months but still edible.”

“Please Applejack, can’t you please share.” Pleaded Fluttershy.

“But Posey you know how much I love apples.”

“Um… Applejack are you feeling alright? It is me Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy? But aren’t you…” The earth pony stopped mid-sentence. Her eyes then blinked for several seconds before continuing to talk. “Nevermind. Of course, you are Fluttershy. Sorry Minty here you go.” She gave Minty an apple from the pile, which she happily took.

 “Applejack are you okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“Of course ah am fine. Just was tired is all. Why don’t we go back and see what the PPPP7 has for us or the What-If-machine.” Applejack said hoping to change the topic.

“Uh…okay. If you are sure you are fine.”  

"The out-of-cannon meeting of the various aspects of Fluttershy's soul and personality will now come to order," Said Princess Gaia bringing the hammer down. "Roll call, Princess Gaia."





"Bright Eyes."

"Nightmare Whisper."

"Butterscotch present!"

The various mares turned towards the stallion who yelp and meekly hide behind his seat.

"What are YOU doing here?!" Fluttercruel hissed.

"Well, you know how stallions have a feminine side? I'm Fluttershy's masculine side."

"Please tell me we're not doing the split personality sub-plot AGAIN." Fluttercruel exasperated, leaning back, facing the ceiling and covering her eyes with her foreleg.

"Oh no no no! I'm not a split personality! Honest!"

"What's wrong with her voice?" Zipzee asked.

"'She's' a 'he'." Bright Eyes not looking up from her book.

"A BOY pony!? Wow!" Zipzee fluttered around the stallion. "This is so funny!"

"We should make him a little filly, so he can happy, then do that to everypony, so they can be happy." Nightmare Whisper proposed.

"I vote him say, Starlight taught me that we should be accepting of boys into our social groups." Said Bright Eyes.

The others raised her hooves in favor of Bright Eyes.

"So Posey, why did Applejack call you that?" Fluttershy asked one of her incarnations.

"I don't know. But she looking a lot like my Applejack. She was fun . . . if kinda klutzy."

Nightmare Whisper said, "If she's happy, who are we to judge?"

The others looked at the nightmare surprised.

Princess Gaia said, "Well, this is outside the canon universe, so there's no harm for now."


Fluttershy startled, having the unconscious feeling that whatever happening to Applejack, wasn't in of itself bad.
PPPP7 beeped and clicked and a new piece of fanwork was spat out, which Pinkie Pie check. "Oh! About time we got to look at part of this again! I really hope the PPP7 picks one of that magical Applejack's story really really REALLY soon! That would be nice! But this is nice too!" Pinkie Pie put the story on the projector.

"Razzaroo being a BOY pony?!" Minty gasped. "I . . . and Fiesta Flare ebing a BOY pony?! . . . I . . . and sweet MOTHERLY Story Belle as a BOY PONY?!?! I need to sit down, we have any green tea?"

"No but we have some nice green soda." Pinkie Pie brought it out, and poured it, to reveal, "Oh, only the container is green, let me get some food dye."

"Thanks Pinkie!" Minty said in Twilight Sparkle's body. Pinkie figured that Minty's spirit would remain as long as the rainbow berry punch was still effecting Twilight. Thankfully Rainbow Dash was too distracted with Rarity outside to think to take pictures or record Twilight's antics will being the green fixated pony.

"It's nice to see Toola-Roola is okay, even if she's having those bad dreams, do you still have bad dreams Pinkie?"

"Not anymore." Pinkie Pie smiled.

"And turning all of Ponyville into one big puzzle? That really sounds like something we'd do for a friend isn't it?"

"Yeah. Did you ever get all the glitter from Sparkle Work's birthday out of your socks?"

" . . . Eventually. At least she didn't do that EVERY year."

"So all those ponies were mares when you knew them?" Fluttershy asked, feeling a bit isolated with Twilight going through a past life, AJ acting stranger and stranger and RD and Rarity out and about . . . she was beginning to feel a bit alone. Made her wish maybe she could have that dream of thinking she was a butterfly pony more-

'NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! NO WAY! NO HOW! DREAM NOT! NOT HAPPENING!!!!!! It was bad enough to dealing with her when she first took your place! She was so sweet she made you seem like bitter coffee!'

'Alright Fluttercruel, I was just thinking . . . and it's nice that I always have you by my side.'

'Back at you, mother.'

"YES! They were all girls! I didn't even know boy ponies existed!"

"Then where do baby ponies come from?" Fluttercruel asked.

"When two rainbows cross together? I heard that's how everypony else met Sweetie Belle."

"SWEETIE BELLE?!" Fluttershy gasped had they mentioned her before? Things go so confusing.

"Yeah, she's a super great cook."

Now she knew she was dreaming.

"I wonder why Kimino didn't have that mirror when I knew her." Minty said.

"Well, lots of things are different. Maybe could be just one more thing." Pinkie Pie said.

"Applejack?" Fluttershy asked, AJ had just been looking at the story, its pure innocence, its shameless joy, it was . . . it was . . .

The center's of AJ's eyes grew huge . . . and she got the most friendly and playful smile on her face ever. "THAT WAS GREAT!" She said in a slightly gravel voice.

A record player began to play 'Who's A Silly Pony' through the speakers. Applejack sang the words as she danced a dance that was not as bad as Twilight Sparkle's dancing, and had a clumsy charm to it. A lot of it involved rolling forward and land on her rear.

"You're a silly pony!
Who is?
You is, Applejack!"

Bumping into gates and
knocking over fences,
who is?
You is, Applejack!

All day long you trot around,
looking at the Apples on the trees,
dreaming all your Pony dreams,
licking lips so greedily.

Who's a silly Pony?
You're a silly Pony!
Who is?
You is, Applejack!

Watching all the Rosy Apples
Oops, there goes another fence.

Fluttercruel sang at her. "Are you coming, are you going?
Why don't you use your Horse Sense?"

Minty laughed and clapped and sang.
"Who's a silly Pony?
You're a silly Pony!
Who is?
You is, Applejack!

Bumping into posts and
knocking over fences,
who is?  
You is, Applejack!

AJ picked up the song again. "Soon the winds will blow a whistle,
knocking Apples to the ground.
Call for Bow-Ties, she will help you
spread her ribbons on the ground.

Who's a silly Pony?
You're a silly Pony!
Who is?
You is, Applejack!

Falling over logs and
bumping into fences,
who is?
You is, Applejack!

The innocent mare hugged her sides as she laughed at herself. Too bad Megan wasn't here, but Pinkie Pie said it was very important that only a few friends be at this party at the same time for some reason, she hoped Firefly and Glory were having fun.


Rainbow Dash had stopped to enjoy the beautiful rainbow she had created, she had never stopped to realize just how beautiful rainbow actually were, having grown up with one for a mane, she never gave them much SERIOUS thought. In fact it had actually been a source of irritation and anger when some thought her rainbow mane MUST HAVE meant she was into fillies, RD had nothing against Bon Bon and Lyra, but she DID NOT SWING THAT WAY! The worst part was the mares who believed it.

She shook her head. Why was she wasting time on such nonsense thoughts? Everypony loves everyone else! That was the magic of friendship! She smiled and laughed, why had she been . . . flying again? Where did these come from? This felt rather funny how she had once laughed at the existence of flying ponies. Why had she done that when she had known the breezies? Oh well! Who care!? Being up the air was darling, but she best dash down to the ground. Oof! Less graceful than she'd have liked. Still she got up and assumed a lady-like poise.

"Raaaaainboooow Daaaaaaash."

The rainbow mare felt a chill go down her spine, oh no, no no!

There came Rarity, skating down her way, slipping, flipping, and just barely missing several ponies who were all staring at her in shock.

"Rarity darling, you're a mess." Rainbow Dash said sternly.

"So?" Rarity asked, she had been skipping and spinning along, enjoying the adrenaline rush, having the time of her life, the dress having gotten a little dirty, but it was just a dress. She had feel in a mud puddle, breathed in deep, about to scream, then laughed at loud instead and carried on after Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash sighed, "What will Cheerilee say if she sees you like that darling? Let's get you cleaned up."

"Uh . . . I have a dress for you."

"Thank you darling, now let's wash you up."

"No!" Rarity stamped her hoof like a spoiled child. Then Rainbow Dash pulled her along.

Ponies looked at each other in confusion, thankfully this was all non-canon so things wouldn't get confusing or spread some unwelcome rumors.

Rainbow Dash pulled Rarity into the Carousel Boutique and began to give Rarity a bath, and also did some modifications to the dress Rarity had offered her, making room for her new wings, and doing some resewing on the rainbow pattern, actually giving it better gradience and radiance. Unlike in a certain other reality, this mare who now suddenly believed making dresses was her life calling, Rainbow Dash did all this with the skill and precision of one who truly did have a special talent for such things.

Sweetie Belle sat and watched all of them with wide eyes. She hoped Scootaloo didn't see this. Opal meanwhile decided she had to lay off the catnip.
"Pinkie Pie, what are you doing with that long distance camera lens and super-magic microphone?" Fluttercruel asked.

"OH! Nothing!" Pinkie Pie grinned.
Okay everypony. I think might be the last part of the recursive fanworks theater, or not, let's find out. Anyway anypony, let's just have fun here!

1. What you put in the comments appears in the story.
2. Nopony besides me can see beyond the fourth wall or interact with it and I can't spill the beans about us being out-and-out fiction to the others.
3. The camera can’t leave the studio.
4. The characters can be from any generation, toy or comic but they have to be from “My little Pony”
5. Everything that happens here is non-canon.
6. Have Fun 

yoshiegg64 ("Kindest of Lies" by Moonstruck-badger moonstruck-badger.deviantart.c…
Alex Warlorn
jmcdavid  ( Ender Dash… )
Kednell2 (Applejack's visions by Moonstruck-badger moonstruck-badger.deviantart.c… )
Ardashir (Separation by Moonstruck badger) moonstruck-badger.deviantart.c…
jmcdavid (Purified Ender Dash by Kendell2)…
Jmcdavid (again)
Kendell2 (Oraclemask's Looking Glass Ponies Part 2…
Alex Warlorn
Oracle mask (The chaos clan vector… )
yoshiegg64 ( Fluttershy and Fluttercruel as dragons…… )
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Alex Warlorn Looking glass ponies chapter 3…
Alex Warlorn (just typing up canon with DA RULES).

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PunishedTwilight7787's avatar
"I'm all for faith and love given somepony strength, but I'd rather not become a mean old nag simply because everypony else thinks it's true."

:iconpovnyarlathotepplz: :iconsaysplz:…