DC Universe Vol2: JLA Reservesalexmax on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/alexmax/art/DC-Universe-Vol2-JLA-Reserves-149093026alexmax

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DC Universe Vol2: JLA Reserves



Second set of characters, this time it's the turn for some of the Justice League reserves.

The Atom: The classic Ray Palmer look.

Steel: Another of my favorite characters, surely second only to Lois as far as Superman supporting characters go. Mostly based on the redesign by Doug Mahnke (I believe) after Y2K.

Black Canary: The "Ed Benes version" of the fishnet uniform.

Hawkgirl: The somewhat recent uniform, but with long braided hair.

Plastic Man: It's Plastic Man!

Green Arrow: Inspired in an old, unused design by Bruce Timm for the JL cartoon.

Zatanna: Pretty much the standard, classic Zatanna look, except I've rarely seen her drawn with tall boots.

Last time, I forgot to mention that other than Bruce Timm, with these designs I'm borrowing A LOT from artists like Sean "Cheeks" Galloway, Ed McGuinness, Khary Randolph, just to name a few.

Next up, I'm doing either the DC esquires or some villians.
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barney-nedward's avatar
Plastic Man is hilarious! Any chance of a sidekicks pic with Woozy Winks, Jimmy Olson, Alfred Pennyworth, and others?