Brain Stormalexiuss on DeviantArt

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alexiuss's avatar

Brain Storm


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Castaway from the world,
Walking amidst the crowd.

There's a storm inside my mind.
It haunts me when I am awake,
Everyday, everyway, my body it bind.
Decompressing my brain and tearing it apart.
And if I could just sleep, it would be a good start.
But there's just no time left.
There's too much to do.

All the sound of the world,
Amplified, overblown.
All the colors exposed and pulsating.
I have no-one to blame,
But myself and the sky
And society that's always demanding.

Like a hurricane above, eternally wild.
This migraine is making me blind.

Now it's a full rights CD cover for the band "Canobliss": [link]
Image size
1024x1311px 435.83 KB
© 2006 - 2025 alexiuss
Variade's avatar
Godamnit bob quit trying to think, you'll hurt yourself
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