Trump is coming with oligarchy
and fanatical forces to wreck the countries!
the True Revolution must be GROW!
Hey guys! Justin Trudeau was now hated by an Country that he resigned as PM! Why?
Because He is having broke Promise of Campaign, and having Painted as the enemy of
Canadian Oil and Gas Industry, who have sector uncompetitive.
He is have increasing with National Debt,
Which is made Canadian are frustrated over having failure to implement measures.
He is have lacking of progress on Truth and Reconciliation,
His Background is Wealthy and Privileged where he is son of Late 1960s to
Early 1980s Canada's PM named Pierre Trudeau that helped and hurt his own Son, where
he having his son to sent & attending from expensive private schools in the past.
He was having Response on COVID-19 Pandemic in months as March to September,
which is have ruination of Big Joyful moments of 2020s. and sentiment emerged that
His vaccine mandates and lockdowns constituted a form of overreach to resulted in the
Canadian Convoy protest, which travel restrictions converged on
Parliament Hill in Ottawa to rail against Federal Govt.
Here's proof to watch this video over How He is having faced with
Controversies and Criticisms to have Resigns as the PM.
See? This is why that He is one of the Idiots who acts as
the political authoritarians from the countries.
He is having failures of Canadian Electoral System Reformation as example of him,
for failing to live up to his words.
He is having an blackface scandals to insulting Black peoples,
Which is very Racist as this came to light, Seriously!? doing an
Blackface or Brownface is extremely Illegal, and he should have given
an payback time with African & Latino community for what have he done.
and Finally, He is having Violations of Ethics, as Conflict of Interest Act.
But after that, He was have step down and resigns as Canada's PM
to be replaced by the Next PM of Canada,
If Trudeau's Resignations is isn't enough, Then,
the Vigilantes should have woken up with their eyes to take care of him,
along with the Revolutionists, who have come aware of his bad decisions that
made him as political authoritarian from the country.
While Meanwhile, The Vigilantes and Revolutionists should been woken with
their eyes, to dismantle of Trump World, and overthrow of DJT, to have
recover back of democracy and sometimes Socialism for civilians & commoners...
Anyways, That's it for now! please! Be stronger, faster, smarter,
braver, & wiser! take care yourselves and your own friends, Do not listen to DJT
& his followers with Other dictators like Vladimir Putin Ever! Just listen or follow
the promise & voice of Democracy, Socialism, & True Free-Speech instead,
and May God help & bless you all from the North America and Western Europe...๐๐๏ธ
Sime3690, If you are reading this status update & journal,
I'm so really super sorry for talking too much that i had for, especially
talking about one of debauchery stuff as smoking that have poisoning
of the expectant mother and son in French PSA, known as
"Don de soi - Collรจge Louis Pasteur de La Celle Saint Cloud".
and I'm even so very extremely sorry for having send an
inappropriate news article on website about Chris Savino's S*xual
Assault Allegations involved with 12 women in the entire Studios
that he worked for before he got already fired in 2017.๐
Which I'm tried to warn you about how he don't care about audience's
hopes and wishes over making more screen-times of the pregnant lady from
KB:SD, when he is one who having incompetence & carelessness as dumb one,
yet having abusive & neglectful as selfishness & cruelty he did.๐
But unfortunately after that, i have made you look so uncomfortable,
as have annoyed, disgusted and exasperated that you blocked me, and i have
regret it that i shouldn't do it as I'm stopped from talking about Chris Savino,
that Everyone like you should not go to watch the Loud House again!๐ข๐
Because this show is having unfunnily cruel and controversial acts like
child abuse & hatred of canada, even possibly having behind the scenes
that made everyone uncomfortable, that Both Savino & Rubiner should
no longer deserve to having idea about the large family for comedy purposes,
over having carelessness and stupidities as failures that they 2 done...๐
EVEN I Promise, that i won't repeatedly doing a wrong things
to make you discomforted, annoyed and disgusted as
i'll do my best where you're one of belly screenshot collectors
for live-action or animated medias in the social media website,
and if Everyone like you creating an Wiki-website for Pregnancies
with Capacity of Reproductive and sometimes Digestive system,
Especially making an Warning Signs about Mature pages with
coarse languages, s*xual references, and graphic violent images,
that recommended for those who have 18-21+, and doing an things to
prevent the Wiki-website from have repeatedly shut-down for copyright,
None of these will be happened, as the Fictional expectant moms and
Unborn babies from Medias like the Advertising, Movies, & TV Shows,
should be immediately more better health from Drugs such as Alcohols,
Nicotines as Cigarettes, Caffeine, LSD, Opioids, Cracks, & Meths,
and having More even Safety as more protected from
Obstacles with Enemies or Opponents like Bullies, Opposers,
Egotists, Opportunists, Abusers, Energy vampires, & False heroes,
So they will have call an 9-1-1 emergency opreator to made them
caught up with law enforcers, & sometimes call the vigilantes too!๐ซ
It was all my fault as I'm so wrong & shameful person that i shouldn't do it!๐ญ
I Promise that i won't offending more everyone like you anymore, as the Nick's
cartoon franchise would been quickly ended, to have be forgotten for good,
and the Each Whistleblowers, will have finally awoken to goes speak out against
those 2 controversial creator and showrunner named C. Savino and M. Rubiner
for having crimes and wrongdoings that they both did to those poor critics with
audience and public civilians repeatedly in their unfunnily cruel ways so harshly,
that they both have no longer to be same, as Chain Reaction will possibly started!
I Swear! I Swear It! Please, I'm begging you! Please forgive me, and unblock me!
Please! Have Mercy and Forgiveness! Please give me a another chance!๐ญ๐ฉ๐
WARNING: This contains mentions of strict, tragic, violent & inappropriate events,
as It was 18 over Children and Young teens. Reader's discretion is Advised!
Hey Guys and Ladies! This is horribly main issues where it was darkest times,
Where Human Trafficking was the Wrecking lives of Humanity, Which is one of
Skills from Organized Crime! Human Trafficking and Organized Crime Group is
Horrific, to Take controlling of Other Countries in the Oppressing ways!๐จ๐ฑ
Also, Human Trafficking was 6 Types, that have wrecking of civilians as victims.
The Domestic Servitude with Forced and Bonded Labor was forcing peoples who
didn't do it, to have made them miserable, with starvation and endangerment.
and S*x Trafficking with Forced Marriage was forcing every women, who didn't
do it, to let them into danger with an human slave breeding trade as baby factory!
Even, the Enslavement of Minors as Children and Youths, who have
age 6 to Early 20s, with others known as Underage labor, Child abuse or torture,
Child soldiers, Child marriage, and Underage s*xual exploitation, are making
Other Criminals as the Mostly Cruel & Unremorseful Monsters!
But how about Celebrities? Well, They're Actors, Singers, Directors and Others,
as They're Richy, Famous and Popular ones who have Money, Power, Fame,
Popularity, & Fortune, to Now Sometimes fall into grace as infamous for
having connection to organized crime, and having even human trafficking!
It was absolutely abysmal for Hollywood, that should been heavily opposed
and have tone down with an human trafficking activities for better good...
But Before we are going to deep dive into the Disturbing Rabbit holes together,
I was made about Sign where There's no debauchery traffickers Allowed with
the Tormentors and Supremacists, as the Expectant mothers and aunts with children
and babies is on board. If the Criminals tried to allow into an heartwarming sight,
Then, the Law Enforcers, and better sometimes Vigilantes goes alerted to caught
with them, to take them away into custody, as Prisons and Jails with Asylums, where
the Interrogation rooms and Courtrooms, where it started to teach them lesson, or
dispose of Criminals, who having Remorselessness, Disobedience, & Egopathy.๐
Especially where Someone keep the Family with Expectant moms & aunts distance
away, from the Obstacles such as Criminals with Abusers or Bullies and Blackmailers,
to go into Safety environments during the Heartwarming events and moments.๐
Also, During the Pregnancy Care Story, those women or girls, who have as Advocates,
Chefs, Shoppers, Medic assistants as Nurses, Stylists, Counselors, Housekeepers,
Teachers, Friends as Companions & Helpers, Merrymakers, Nuns, & Stewards, is have
Pregnancies to swells up and have near-explode when she got so big to huge that a
internal digestive & reproductive systems, is have modified to expand as Capacities,
with amount of foods, beverages, urine, semen, & children that inside of themselves,
Which is end up to under control as upside down that made others support them.๐จ
and The Criminals with Evil doers who have, as Villains of Pregnancy Care Story, are
having as the Control Freaks and Disciplinarians with Spies in Lawful evil side,
the Thieves, Assassins, Gangsters, Doctors/Scientists, Crime lords, & Businessmen
in Neutral evil side, and the Thrill-seekers, Serial killers, & Torturers/Abusers in
Chaotic evil side, while the Dimwits and Pranksters with Scapegoats got screwed up.
Don't forget about i said as Another word: "High-Profile Criminals as Crime Lords,
with Masteminds & Corrupt celebrities shouldn't go into lives of Expectant moms!".
That's all about how Person(s) keep Families and Expectant moms into distance!
the Families with Expectant Caregivers should have No Tolerance with Criminals,
Ever AGAIN, where they are helping each other! Anyways, Let's go together!
Remember about Roman Polanski? He's an Polish-French artist from Movie
industry, who have known for lot of awards In Poland, France, UK, & America,
with the Movies like Rosemary Baby (1968) and Chinatown (1974).
He was doing well, as Film Director, Film Producer, Screenwriter, & Actor.
But it was dark past happened to him, where WW2 Started by having invasion
of Poland with the Tyrannical Nazi Party from Germany, and His family found
themselves trapped in Krakow Ghetto, as Surviving from the Holocaust.๐จ
and His pregnant wife Sharon Tate got killed along with her four friends, by the
Manson's cult chosen family in late 1969, Which is so harsh and tragic to him.๐ฑ
But even worse, Roman was having got arrested for drugging and r*ping of
13-year-old girl in the past as 1977, which is uncomfortable for him.๐คข
Even having Unlawful s*x with minor to make himself uncomfortable creep too.
When he got older as age 91, He was going to possibly passed away later,
as the Vigilantes in real-life would been possibly chosen to come into place
where The Creepy movie artist found, interrogate him for what have done
to underage girl, before passed on from old age, and go into underworld.๐
and It Better to say that He won't be welcome back into Foreign Neighborhood
like Chinatown ever again, as he won't be same, while the expectant mother
will have aware of his true life, and having keep distance away from him after...
and That's means: Mr. Polanski is not Allowed into lives of the Fictional
Expectant Mothers like Rosemary Woodhouse again.
Dan Schneider is King of Comedy Downer Ending, where Characters is have Unfair
about Everything they do, to got already fired from Nickelodeon in Late 2010s.
Why? He ishaving as the Disgustingly Obsessive Foot-Lover, and One of Predators
in Real-Life! It's Grosser than the Feets of Cinderella's Wicked Stepdaughters!๐คข
He is also having known as Television Producer, Screenwriter, and Actor, who
have known for Best Shows like All That (1994โ2005), Kenan & Kel (1996โ2000),
The Amanda Show (1999โ2002), Drake & Josh (2004โ2007), Zoey 101 (2005โ2008),
and iCarly (2007โ2012), Until his downfall happened with Victorious (2010โ2013),
Sam & Cat (2013โ2014), Henry Danger (2014โ2020), Game Shakers (2015โ2019),
and The Adventures of Kid Danger (2018). Even, the MeToo Movement happened!
The Schneider Bakery Founder was have also accused of the Toxic Workplace
Environment and have throwing Tantrums like an spoiled bratty kiddo.๐ ๐
This is no Joke, and This is main reason why Nickelodeon should have tone down
with Unfunnily Cruel Activities like an Debauchery Trafficking.๐
After Quiet on Set and MeToo came out, I Hope where while the Main event will
be Each the Person was have orchestrate of Revolution against Trump's World,
One of the Secondary and Major events will be the Heroic vigilantes and spies,
come to give fatty creep an beating into pulp, to rescue women and minors soon.
and Also, Better hide your wife, children, animals, & your feets immediately!
Do not approach this weird fatty creepy man ever again.
Don't forget where it shouldn't get everyone started with Fred Figglehorn.
If Roman Polanski is an old man who have as the creepy European movie artist,
then, Woody Allen is the American counterpart of the Elderly european one.
Heywood is doing very well as filmmaker, writer, actor, comedian, & musician,
where he is doing an writing, doing an monologuing style, & telling other jokes.
Just like Polanski, He was having quite many accolades as awards and
nominations, especially known for iconic movies like... Annie Hall (1977),
Manhattan (1979), Sleepers (1973), Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008),
Hannah And Her Sisters (1986), Midnight In Paris (2011),
Crimes And Misdemeanors (1989), Stardust Memories (1980),
Bullets Over Broadway (1994), Blue Jasmine (2013), and More!
However, In 1980, it was have trouble happened when he got relationship
with actress Mia Farrow, until the couple separated when Allen began a
relationship in 1991 with Soon-Yi Previn to got married, and have two
adopted daughters, Farrow is accuse him of s*xually abusing Dylan, who
have age 7. Which disgusting as denying over his creepy acts.๐คข
Just like Roman Polanski, When He is having age 89 to possibly dying, as
the Vigilantes will possibly come to mentally and emotionally interrogate him
for what for have done to his adopted daughter, & have never be same...๐
Skyler Page was already got fired from Cartoon Network. Why?
Because He's Animator as the Creator of Clarence, who have image out of the
titular character, to hugging an 3 girls with his arms as "Hug Force", Which is have
foreshadowing, to groping of women, before he got already fired, and worse...
He is having bipolar as mental health problem to make himself Unhinged!๐จ
It was terribly look that looks like law & rule enforcers, along with Vigilantes,
got shocked to see it as He shouldn't do that ever again!๐
BTW Second time, where the Fictional expectant moms like pregnant drummer,
will soon have aware of mental health problem and s*xual assault Page did,
that made themselves keep distance away from him...
Even Skyler Page was no longer to go into a lives of
Fictional expectant moms like Pregnant Drummer again!
*Sighs* What the nasty work about mental health and s*xual assault combined...
I Warned you about these two, was having as the Two of Controversial figures from
Animation Media Industry, that made Everyone to wears with Hazmat suits, while
stay away from them and toxic environments as gross-out jokes.๐ฌ
John Kricfalusi, was have known for Creating of Ren & Stimpy and Ripping Friends, who
have s*xually harassing 2 teenage girls, who have fanatics of his cartoon show,
Which is disgusting, and also, he got fired from nickelodeon for terrible reason.
Which is have made him creep, that haunt teenage girls with
Ren hoek's mad clowny laugh like Joker from Batman.
As for Chris Savino, Well, Everyone just hates and sometimes forgotten him instantly. why?
All because Not only Refusing of Taking criticism, Seasonal Rots, and have doomed to
started as having worst aspect of the Nick's cartoon TV show named The Loud House,
But Negligence and Endangerment of Critics and Audience with Public Civilians,
and EVEN S*xually harassing of 12 women, Especially Anne Walker Farrell, who have as
One of the Directors from the Netflix adult cartoon show named Bojack Horseman,
Before he got already fired, as the Near-Drifter that move on with second wife!๐จ
How messed up! Tsk! (x8) How crazy that the other episodes and seasons was so out of
control to focus on the little white-haired boy named Lincoln Loud with his 10 sisters,
where, it was end up to have unfunnily cruel moments to make it unwatchable.
Even Michael Rubiner as Showrunner, Which is end up to more screwed up disaster as well,
with Racism against Canada to Milking of Unfunnily Cruel-written episodes...๐ฐ
Tsk! (x8) It was extremely disgusting for comedy purposes, that shouldn't happening!
It shouldn't get others started with Quiverfull Movement, as the Louds & Casagrandes
won't be same, Due to having Toxic and Uncaring Workplace Environment.๐
All Everything that Savino and Rubiner done to Others as Innocents with Charmless acts,
the Family Physician with OB-GYN and Gastroenterologists should have warn everyone
immediately, to not do with the Loud house Franchise ever again, While it was having
Double times as 3rd & 4th times, where other expectant moms like Rita Loud with
Royal Woods pregnant goth mom & Mellowbrook pregnant lady keeps together to
distance away from those cruel clowny freaky imbeciles, as the Clowny Menaces.๐คก
Don't forget how John Kricfalusi, Chris Savino, & Michael Rubiner are not allowed
into a lives of expectant mothers like Rita Loud with Mellowbrook Pregnant lady &
Goth mom, Plus: Not go into Senses of Expectant caretakers and Broodmothers.
It was so extremely harsh to say that they both, along with Rubiner is have so much
worser than Jar Jar binks as, Everyone like Internet users, Media audience, and
other families with critics & caregivers will have let 3 of them forgotten, instead of
give them an Scumbaggery hats, since the charmless acts was wreck their lives.๐
It was too very hard to read, listen, & view, as too extremely hard to give them
chocolate bars like Snickers, or warn others to not write a victims of abuse...๐
and It shouldn't have sense of humor anymore, as the show is having a harsh cruelty.
I hope where the Vigilantes and Revolutionists will come to haunt 2 of them down,
Even Rubiner, shouldn't more torturing others like Coop Burtonburger (Kid VS Kat),
and Nina Tucker (FMA)... again... as those 3 should get taken into Prison & Asylum...๐ฃ
The Vigilantes and Revolutionists should have fight and get rid of every pimps, to
clean up a debauchery and corruption mess, Especially these 3 are musical gangsters.๐
Sean Combs and Robert Kelly with Jay-Z are nothing more but Pimping freaks,
who have as traffickers & false accusers, that deserved to be muted and beat down
by the Law Enforcers, or better yet, the Vigilantes and Revolutionists!๐
Even These 3 are should have Interrogated physically, emotionally, & mentally by
The vigilantes and revolutionists, who should have rescue those innocents! Why?
They're having commit an Heinous crimes like Organized Crime, Racketeering,
S*x Trafficking, Misogyny, Arson, Multiple Murders, and More! Especially for
having did with Biggie Smalls, 2Pac, Aaliyah, Kim Porter, and Shyne, before let
them into horribly unfairly curses, as unfair death and incarceration happened!๐จ
They're having popularly known for rapping & singing an best songs like
โHeart of the City (Ainโt No Love)", โ22 Twosโ, "Allureโ, โDead Presidents II,โ
โImaginary Playersโ, โSo Ghettoโ, Girls, Girls, Girlsโ, โWhere Iโm Fromโ,
"Your Body's Callin", "I Believe I Can Fly", โFeelinโ on Yo Bootyโ, "Run This Town,"
"Empire State of Mind", "Never Change" "Takeover" "Big Pimpin", "Same Girl",
"Mo Money Mo Problems", "I'll Be Missing You", โYoung Gโsโ "Satisfy You", ETC.
Everyone started to loves them in past, to have now lose interest with it, as
the Women with Children and Youths, should been protected from debauchery,
So their souls will be not brutally selling again.๐
At Least, R. Kelly got faces with Justice by having an Life Imprisonment
with Judiciary and Law Enforcers from America, especially MeToo Movement!
and I hope that Sean Combs and Shawn Carter should been haunted to be
killed by the Vigilantes, who have come to interrogate and torture them
physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially for long time, until they are dead,
Don't forget about Revolutionists that join into Vigilantes as Alliance anyway...
Mr. Combs, Mr. Kelly, and Mr. Carter should have not allowed into a lives of
the Women or Girls with Large breasts and butts again, as the Nasty traffickers!
BTW, the Others like Stevie J & Meek Mill should been more ashamed to get
haunted by the Vigilantes, that will knock themselves down to get restrained as
having heavily consequences that can't control it for supporting of Creep...๐ค
the 2 of Media celebrities are the Sitcom Actors, who have as the characters
from That's 70s Show (1998-2006) and The Ranch (2016-2020),
One of two, is Host of the MTV's Reality TV Show called Punk'd (2003-2007).
They're both are doing a greatly well,
Until their careers and legacies are tarnished.
Why? As for Danny Masterson, He was convicted of r*ping two women in 2003,
and Sent into 30 years to life in prison, Even Shocking where he is Scientologist.
Which is the Cult, that ruinating of everyone's lives, wishes, and dreams!๐จ
and as for Ashton Kutcher, He goes faced with Internet Investigators who have
expose him, as the Creepy Accomplice who have associate with R*pists or
Traffickers as Danny Masterson and Sean Combs, which is broke his career.
It was so bad that where that Danny Masterson and Ashton Kutcher, was not
allowed into a lives of the Fruit-human hybrid ones like Violet Beauregarde and
Jackie Burkhart ever again, where they are 2 celebs, who as ones of the associates
and members from Types of Criminal Organizations like Corporation and Cult.
Hopefully, where the Vigilantes and Revolutionists will come to targeting
Mr. Kutcher, and Capture him down, give him beatings to let it restrained,
before they evading of police officers and federal agents sooner,
and They both are never be same for sitcom TV again...
Stephen Collins was one of the actors, who known for plays as the Priest
Eric Camden on the WB/CW Family drama show called 7th Heaven (1996-2007),
and having plays an roles of Characters from No Ordinary Family (2010-11),
Revolution (2012-14), Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1974), and
Tales of the Gold Monkey (1982-3). He is doing a greatly well until he was
having downfall, as he is already out from the media industry in 2014,
Where he confessed to molestation of multiple minors, who have underage.๐คข
He'll fallen apart into Underworld as Priest in having age 77, and Next time,
the Vigilantes will come in the Real-life, to Hunting him down and interrogate
him physically, emotionally, & mentally for what have he done to minors.๐
He won't be same again, as It won't get others started with an Creepy Priests
and Bishops, who preying on minors or reading an p*rn comics.
Jared Fogle was Spokesman of the Subway sandwich restaurant, who have as
Mascot and One of Media celebrities for the Commercials.
He was had losing an 245 bounds, as having an diet sandwich to end obesity,
He is known for "Five-Dollar Footlong" Commercials, and have supposedly
caring of children and teens with the Anti-Obesity campaign as Superhero.
There's downfall as Jared Fogle was not allowed into a lives of fat and obese persons
again, where he got arrested by FBI and sent into Federal prison to got beaten with inmate.
Why? He was convicted as the Super-weirdo, when charged with an CST and CP Charges.
Which made his career shattered apart, and South park was portrayed him as Villain.๐จ
Safe to say that children and youths should been grow up to not been like Jared Fogle did.
Everyone like Women should have run away quickly into safety, from
the tyrants of Hollywood, who have as one of producers, directors, and actors!๐
As Weinstein Bros, They both siblings are known for Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989),
The Crying Game (1992) Pulp Fiction (1994), Heavenly Creatures (1994), Spy Kids Flims,
Flirting with Disaster (1996), Shakespeare in Love (1998) Scream Franchise,
Paddington (2015), Emma (1996), Gangs of New York (2002), Kill Bill (2003), ETC.
As Kevin Spacey, He's an Actor who have known for Se7en (1995), Moon (2009),
The Usual Suspects (1995), American Beauty (1999), L.A. Confidential (1997),
Glenbarry Glen Ross (1992), The Ref (1994), Superman Returns (2006),
Swimming With Sharks (1994), Pay It Forward (2000), Consenting Adults (1992), ETC.
Three of them are doing in greatly well as having lot of awards and nominations,
Until they having lose everything as hollywood was started to crumble down by
The Rise of METOO Movement for S*xual Harassment, R*pe, & Misogyny.๐คข
Which is made 3 of them as the Tyrants of Hollywood for ruination of Lives.
The Weinstein Bros with Kevin Spacey is no longer to allowed into a lives of
Fictional expectant moms like Tracy from Se7en (1995), and Marissa Wilson
from Spy Kids Franchise ever again!
As Harvey Weinstein, He was immediately arrested by the Law Authorities, as
defeated by an METOO Movement, and Got instantly guilty & Life-sentence in
Prison for 23 years + 16 years = 39 years, which is ignite an nightmare for him
as having major consequences over having an 80+ accusers and victims of
Misogyny with Slavery, S*xual Harassment, and R*pe.๐ฎ๐ ๐
After that, He is having more miserable as dying with his heart,
who having surgery, Before having go into the underworld later,
Except for His own brother, who have should been hunted down by
the vigilante for involvement with an S*xual harassment allegations.
and As Kevin Spacey, He got 15 accusers and victims that end his career as
he have lost everything, due to having an Inhumane S*xual misconduct,
But case of him got dropped to made him get away with scot-free...
Just like Woody Allen and Roman Polanski, when he was 65, Hopefully,
the Vigilantes come to interrogate him for having an creepy situation soon!
Bill Cosby are have as the Black American Father, who have as Comedian, Host, and
Actor, that known for I Spy (1965โ1968), Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids (1972โ1985),
The Cosby Show (1984โ1992), Man and Boy (1971), Hickey & Boggs (1972),
Uptown Saturday Night (1974), Let's Do It Again (1975), A Piece of the Action (1977),
Leonard Part 6 (1987), Ghost Dad (1990), The Cosby Mysteries (1994โ1995),
Cosby (1996โ2000), Kids Say the Darndest Things (1998โ2000),
Little Bill (1999โ2004), & Fatherhood (2004-5).
He is also appears in JELL-O's Pudding and Popsicle Commercials as Spokesman.
He is doing an well, Yet however, His Legacy was tarnished,
where he was have 60 victims and accusers as He is having R*pe, DFSA,
Battery, Molestation of Minors, and S*xual Harassment, that Hannibal Buress
brought them back into public to end his entire career.
Even Bill Cosby is no longer to allowed into lives of Fictional expectant moms
like Mrs. Minifield again, After he did to Poor Lili Bernard.
He was found Guilty as Convicted and Sentenced into three to ten years in
Prison, Until it was have overturned. When he was plotting for comeback,
but then he is age 87, He is gonna possibly dying to go into underworld,
and Women is hoping that the Vigilantes and Revolutionists, will come to
tech him an lesson about what have he done to women & minors.
That's All about how Human Trafficking is Problem for Media Industries and Hollywood!
It was have extremely rough, as the True crime stories in Real-Life with the Corrupt celebrities.
Even Debauchery as the S*x environments, Wild parties, and Drugs was very Toxic for everyone.
I still can't believe that Society of Hollywood was labeled as the Society of Hollyweird,
All Because of having an Human-Trafficking activities that harm innocent Women & Children
repeatedly in Secret. It is very Unacceptable as the Dystopian places goes on!๐๐ซ
It was infested with the Ones who have as the Tyrannical Debauchers like the Corrupt
Celebrities and Gangsters since The Great War and Depression with WW2 and Cold War!๐จ
the Hollywood should been more opposed that will be forced to be tone down with an
Human-Trafficking activities, so they have no repeatedly selling innocent's souls again...๐๐ฃ
Especially as Almost Every women and girls goes cries in the Real-Life, that realized
where it was human-trafficking with poisonous debauchery as one of disturbing secrets.
the Sex Trafficking with Forced Marriage, Misogyny, R*pe, Kidnapping, & S*xual Harassment
is Nightmare that made them very tragically miserable repeatedly as damsels in distress from
the Real-Life! It wouldn't get others started with an tortured teen girls like Sylvia Likens!๐๐
It is have very horrifying and disgusting ways to be worse than bullies, & stalkers or yanderes,
who have tried to recklessly took lives of kids, teens, & & adults in schools or local-areas!๐ซ
This is why where the Feminists was rise up to fighting against Misogynists, that
would made Hollywood tone down with an Sex Trafficking activities.
Even the children and sometimes youths are cry in despair and depression,
with an families and caretakers, that they remembering Hollywood as Dystopian place,
due to having human trafficking, racketeering, propaganda, & even child trafficking!๐จ
They should stay away from the Dystopic L.A's Neighborhood that should tone down
with an Human trafficking activities, to make it better decent and heartwarming activities.
This is not joke or humor, Just horrific serious problems to have cruelly
tormenting women or minors like punching-bags, s*x-toys, and chew-toys, to
make others monsters as the unremorseful sinners, kingpins, & overlords from hell!๐ญ๐ซ
But don't get us started with Moments that unfunnily harming out of
the fictional children & youths that made animators cruel idiots or lunatics...๐ข
Finally, Everyone as Americans, canadians, brits, frenchies, mexicans, east-asians, & australians
should have looking at those signs about how the expectant moms, with fruit-hybrid ones,
& fat or obese persons is on board, where the criminals like bullies, abusers, blackmailers,
and traffickers is not came in, otherwise, the criminals must be exterminated by law enforcers
with federal agents & vigilantes, who gives them an fates like an punishments or even deaths.
Even Fictional Expectant moms with their families are broke down into horrified & disgusted
about the disturbing secrets of celebrities with uncaring, wasting of ideas about more
Screen-times of themselves, Awful negligence or endangerments of Critics and Audience, &
Even Debauchery that kill their careers, as they keep distance away quickly from Strangers
or the Criminals with Abusers like C. Savino, to talking with the Counselors and Therapists for
how the worst creators was lacking about making more screen-times out of themselves.๐ข
Which is having stupidities with rushes, ignorances, failures, & cruelty that end his careers,
and If the Heroic Main and secondary characters of the Film/TV Show,
Western Animation/Anime, & Video Game for long time, was adults and teenagers, who
have take care of the expectant moms or aunts with an children, as their Acquaintances,
that would prevent them from go into ways of the obstacles and worst enemies like abusers,
None of this will be happening! At least sometimes having great caring moments anyway...
Other fictional media expectant mothers like Rita Loud, Rosemary Woodhouse,
Pregnant Drummer from Clarence, Pregnant Lady from KB:SD, Pregnant Goth Lady
from TLH, Marissa Wilson from Spy Kids, & Mrs. Minifield from The Cosby Show,
should have deserved to have more better, as have go seating with an Therapists too...๐ข๐
If the Disgraced Celebrities are reading this status update and journal,
All of you are just Go Screw yourselves! Why? All Because of having
Rich as Money, Powers, Fame, Popularity, & Fortunes that all of you did,
All of you have debauchery and use all of powers as abilities, to
tormenting women and minors, who have as children & teens!๐ก
that was have disgust everyone in the Real-Life Public Places,
and Internet world, as all of you have Egopathy and Remorselessness,
that lacking of care about Everything like idea of making more Screen-times
of Fictional Characters, who having an Pregnancy Stories, and Even having
negligence and endangerment of Critics & Fans like us! What an small-brained
idiots with stupidities, rushes, ignorances, & failures that all of had as for!๐ก
Like an Corrupt Officials in the Real-Life, All of you have no rights,
to became into an "Good Celebrities", Just become into Corrupt Celebrities,
who as Criminals like Gangsters, Criminal masterminds, Crime kingpins, & Tyrants,
Especially having as the Master Manipulators & Propagandists that have terrible
acts to destroy everyone's lives and dreams repeatedly in the first place!๐ก๐ฅ
We thought that All of you Corrupt Celebs are good guys?
But instead, Just bad guys that all of you as! Get haunted and muted
by the Vigilantes with Revolutionists, while have lacking of controlling
consequences for what have you guys done as the Corrupt Celebs!๐ก๐ฅ
God! Hollywood, should be toned down with an horrific trafficking activities...๐ค
Step 1: Be Respectful, Selfless, and Caring,
Step 2: Take Criticism and Responsibility,
Step 3: Don't have Egopathy and Highly Debauchery,
Step 4: Don't Prideful, Abusive, Neglectful, Greedy, and Lustful,
Step 5: Get more Better Creative and Honestly,
Step 6: Have Make an More Screen-times of Characters,
Step 7: Don't making an worst fictional characters,
Step 8: Don't have Comedy Purposes for Abuse,
Step 9: Don't have Mental Illness as Insanity,
and Step 10: Have an Greatly Decent Legacy, Instead of Corruption.
This is why Morals that you shouldn't become into an Corruptive Celebrity.
If Everyone who have Internet Users, Public Civilians or Commoners, and
sometimes Heroic celebrities, with an media fatness & pregnancy community,
are have reading this status update and journal,
I'm so really extremely sorry for talking about how those corruptive celebrities
like Weinstein, did to other innocents in ways of cruelty and debauchery
repeatedly so badly that make all of you traumatized as broke down into
horrified and disgusted. it seems where all of you would have forget them...๐
Cause They're sinners, who have using disguising as the famous good-looking
humans, that instantly fooling all of you around, as tricking all of you down,
and they dosen't care about your hopes, wishes, dreams, and goals,
even they dosen't care about your wishes about making more screen-times
of the fictional expectant moms for heartwarming moments no more!๐ข๐
Only cares for money, powers, and glories to have consequences,
Which is exactly that i made signs about the large-bellied persons
is on board, while the criminals & corrupt ones like Weinstein or Savino,
shouldn't get into lives, senses & ways of the large-bellied persons again!๐
Even fictional expectant moms like Mrs. Minifield is quickly
keep distance away from Bullies like Brad and corrupt celebrities like
Weinstein, Cosby, & Savino, to go into better safety places,
So they have no longer interest with them anymore after that...๐๐
It was have made everything look very terrible, where hoping
that all of you have better work, safety, health, & environment peacefully...๐ข๐
Finally, The Nightmare years and months is passed, In Sake of Will, Joy,
Compassion, Love, Freedom, & Hope, The Resistance and Revelation
will come to exterminate the Debauchers and Supremacists, with
the Trafficking or Grifting Influencers, Oligarchs, Fundamentalists,
Dystopian orders, Pro-Autocracy conservatives, and the Corruptive celebrities
who have involved with supporting of the Despicable DJT in the Real-Life Era,
While the others will come to have redeem them & have it to abandon villainies...
So they have would have overthrowing of Mr. DJT,
to have send him away into an Underworld as His empire
will get instantly crumble down, to rumble for good,
and recover back of democracy and sometimes socialism,
While the Vigilantes will have aware of them,
Joining them to turn into Alliance, that would end Trump's
World and Story with Debauchery, Supremacy as Bigotry, and
Corruption, So will have making media to forgetting Trump and his Life,
as He will be forever forgotten, that no one ever dare to help him... AGAIN.๐๐ ๐ค
Anyways, That's it about for now! Please! Be stronger, faster, smarter,
braver, & wiser! take care yourselves and your own friends, Do not listen to DJT
& his followers with Other dictators like Vladimir Putin Ever! Just listen or follow
the promise & voice of Democracy, Socialism, & True Free-Speech instead,
and May God help & bless you all from the North America and Western Europe...๐๐๏ธ
#EndMisogyny, #EndTrafficking, #EndSlavery, #EndPropaganda, #RespectforChildren,
#EndMisopedia, #ProtectChildren, #RespectforWomen, #ProtectWomen, & #EndAbuse
Hey Both of you, Knightnightfight3812 and Sime3690!
If you both are reading this status update and journal, I'm just wanted to say...
I'm so very super-duper sorry for talking too much and sending an inappropriate news post
about Chris Savino's S*xual Assault Allegations, and having post about how
the media pregnancy is getting declined, which is i just tried to warned 2 of you so...๐
But end up, you both are just blocked me out of uncomfortably upset, annoyance, and disgust over me
that i shouldn't do that! Even i'll regretfully stop talking about Weinstein's effect, as the disgraced
former movie producer is going to dying in custody as prison, where he is having heart surgery...๐ข๐
I was very wrong as have so shameful man, that shouldn't have disrespect peoples like both of you ever!
and I'll have more respectful, caring, and honoring for your lives, behaviors, & actions, as
If i'm going to caring for fictional pregnant women, then, I'm going to making sign about how
the criminals and abusers like C. Savino will not come in, as Expectant mom with children is on board.๐
This is all my fault! SO much Fault that Even if the Vigilantes and Revolutionists was come to get rid of
more those nasty debauchers, supremacists, & dystopian orders, None of this will be happened!๐ซ๐ญ
I'm so very extremely sorry! Please, forgive me! I'll changing mind as i wouldn't do with havocs again!
I Swear! I Swear it! Please, I'm begging 2 of you! Please, I'm begging you both to unblock me!
PLEASE! have Mercy, Grace, & Forgiveness! and Please give me an another chance!๐ญ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐