What If Adrien had nightmare of Hawk moth and Co.alexis45678 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/alexis45678/art/What-If-Adrien-had-nightmare-of-Hawk-moth-and-Co-943988504alexis45678

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What If Adrien had nightmare of Hawk moth and Co.



After Gabriel was takes the new alias now as Monarch
by stealing the chinese zodiac miraculous from the miracle box
with the help of his nephew Felix.

The Young Fashion model adrien was sleeping to had suffered
from Nightmare about His father, Nathalie, & Lila rossi over
their wrongdoings as poisonous lies, brainwashing, & terrorism in paris, france.

Lila Rossi was known as the evil kistune-like beast & armies of evil pinocchio-like toys
who having mistress of lies, manipulation, & deception, had hatred of Marinette/Ladybug,
& had Madly love of Adrien/Cat Noir to make him a terrified & disgusted,
she should no longer to go into france again.

Hawk moth & Mayura was known as the monstrous butterfly & peacock beasts
who having akumatized villains & amokized monsters that terrorized the france
to make adrien traumatized that make him flee away immediately.

Worse of all, The Marinette's akumatized counterparts,
Princess Justice & Unmasker, And The evil butterfly man was
gonna destroy the world to make it gone too far.

The cat-like superhero was thankfully wake up to quietly vow
for stop the madness & villainy once and for all in the paris.

Miraculous Ladybug (C) Thomas Astruc/ZAG Studios/Disney
Blank Meme (C) Me
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