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Any Thoughts On Albert De Blois?



When Everyone was having thoughts on Marquess De Blois as the Great angel guy,
The Answer is: WRONG! In Reality, He is known as the Unremorseful, pure-evil,
and power-hungry cult leader who having wanted to become into a key factor in WW2,

and worse, he was perverted sicko who have kidnapping of Cordelia Gallo, and have
r*ping her to resulting impregnate her, which Cordelia Gallo was having painful pregnancy,
but later on, having a tragically labor while He pouring a glass of his blood on her womb before
She screams as have giving birth to his own daughter named Victorique de Blois/Gosick.

the Winter cheer and Almost Christmas won't save Cordelia's life any longer

It was so horrible look that thankfully, He was killed by Cordelia Gallo with her blades.
So he will burned into crisp from hell and no one cry for help & save himself ever again...

But Unfortunately, She was having sacrifice herself to killing Albert De Blois,
have finally freeing her daughter from the grasp of his evil hands, and Having passed away.

After that, Albert De Blois legacy should be forgotten for what have he done in the 1st place...
This is why about the truth behind the giving birth from anime that disgrace to everyone.

If Everyone was have witness about Albert De Blois who have kidnapping & r*ping Cordelia,
and forcibly impregnates her to let her labor & giving birth to baby, Then, They are gonna be
shocked, horrified, & disgusted that they will never EVER See this tragedy scene ever again.

That's all! He's an worst character & villain from this TV series that everyone have ever seen...

It looks like that Krampus and his evil helpers will come to torturing Albert De Blois
as punishment for ruining Cordelia's life during a winter cheering before Christmas in 1910

Gosick (C) Kazuki Sakuraba and Hinata Takeda
Blank meme (C) darknessawakens13
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600x757px 173.45 KB
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