Trumpet PinkieAleximusPrime on DeviantArt

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Trumpet Pinkie



Next up in the ponified meme series:  the Trumpet Boy meme featuring Twilight and Pinkie!

If you haven't seen this meme yet floating around on Twitter, Tumblr, or Reddit, basically some photo of a boy blowing a trumpet right next to a girl covering her ears circulated the net and people either put text over the characters to make a joke or they would go the extra mile and pseudo-animate the boy using the scale tool.  Really all they are doing is screen-recording while they scale, rotate, skew, warp, or distort it and it looks like it's moving.  There have been some pretty creative things people have done with it.  Just look up "Trumpet Boy" on YouTube and you'll get some silly results.  XD

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EDIT:  Featured on EqD!…
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Amazingangus76's avatar

I think I remember that video.