Filly Flurry HeartAleximusPrime on DeviantArt

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Filly Flurry Heart


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Now that I have some vectors of grownup Spike out of the way, I'm ready to show a few of Flurry Heart as a filly.

This is part of a headcanon I'm developing set about 10ish years in the future where Flurry Heart is bored with her royal lifestyle in the Crystal Empire and is sent to learn about friendship with Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike the Dragon, both of which have grown up as well.  Along the way she may meet the rest of the Mane Six and other familiar characters and desires to get her cutie mark soon.

Due to layering issues, some of the hair coming out of the top portion of her head was moved more towards the back behind her ears so she would have some mane coming down to the side.  I also gave her some bows the same color of her diaper cuz I bows on ponies always brings the cuteness up by a ton!  :icondawwplz:  Her wings are folded in right now but they are the same design of Twilight's wings in the show right now and are about the same size as when she was a baby, just a bit bigger.

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EDIT:  Featured on EqD!…
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2050x2564px 354.26 KB
© 2018 - 2025 AleximusPrime
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Quinstiff's avatar

Flurry is so cute!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️