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AlexBaxtheDarkSide's avatar




my second piece of fan art to the classic FPS DOOM. I kinda crammed the screen with gore, will try to adhere to the size of the page more next time ^_^
Left is the Doom marine standing ontop of a cacodemon, sticking the rocket launcher in his eye, about to blow his ugly floating body up. middle pose is the doom marine standing victorious, covered in Blood from a freshly decapitated and eviscerated Imp, he is holding the chainsaw, chaingun and super shotgun on his back.
And final to the right is the doom marine when he uses one of the berserker health packs, going into a complete murderous rage, pulverizing a zombie marine .
i sort of imagined it like a steroid boost, making him super strong and fast, going completely ape shit tearing enemies apart.

The page is a bit crowded, sorry about that, but was a lot of fun to colour the hell out of this! :D

Enjoy ^_^
Image size
2662x1634px 4.88 MB
© 2012 - 2024 AlexBaxtheDarkSide
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Codeyellow07's avatar
Are you gonna do fanart for the new DOOM reboot