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We are all One.


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It's been quite some journey in the last 2 years. Today I went back to read once the post from August 2020 and recalled how I felt, how it felt back then writing those words. I got emotional and had an instant flashback of what happened before and after that moment. Since then I know now that I allowed life to happen more than before. And the surprise is that life started happening in a different manner. Don't expect any tales about spectacular expeditions or breath-taking experiences. What happened seems strange but doing the same things as before I rediscovered the joy, the peace and the "filter" I had when I started taking photos, when I was just a 16 year old kid. I realised that taking photos actually found me rather than the other way around. Also, I realised that the "filter" was always there, inside of me, and it's up to me to chose it or ignore it. In October 2017 someone dear asked me what I want and I answered: "I want to see colours again, everything I see is grey and
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I think I was very tired to see that old post with "back" from 2012. I was never back for real, it was never true. Although I wanted it to be. I guess that we are all under construction every day, but not all of us realize this. It just took me longer to get it. I've had a lot of time to think in the last months with COVID and all its implications. Few of the questions: Am I still the same kid that started posting deviations in 2006? I don't know. There's a part of me I do recognize and I still see the same pattern but things for sure changed. When I started this in 2006 I was so eager about life, I wanted to explore everything and it all felt like an adventure. I got to meet some great people here on dA, live some great moments, take some nice shots along the years. Am I completely different person? Not really. For many years I thought I grew up and become someone else. I actually forgot to look into the mirror for real. That kid is still there with all his faults and
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0 min read
I guess there's no reason to be away anymore. Some things are more important and that's why here , right now is a great place to be. I'll keep posting my latest photos and most certainly will go out to take some more. :nod:Wish me luck.Like always, Peace & Love :peace: & :heart: Alex
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Happy birthday!

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Thank you, my friend! :sun:

My pleasure and very welcome!


:+fav: s  Greetings and many thanks for stopping by, Alex :bow:

You're welcome, my friend 🤗