It's been quite some journey in the last 2 years. Today I went back to read once the post from August 2020 and recalled how I felt, how it felt back then writing those words. I got emotional and had an instant flashback of what happened before and after that moment.
Since then I know now that I allowed life to happen more than before. And the surprise is that life started happening in a different manner. Don't expect any tales about spectacular expeditions or breath-taking experiences. What happened seems strange but doing the same things as before I rediscovered the joy, the peace and the "filter" I had when I started taking photos, when I was just a 16 year old kid. I realised that taking photos actually found me rather than the other way around. Also, I realised that the "filter" was always there, inside of me, and it's up to me to chose it or ignore it.
In October 2017 someone dear asked me what I want and I answered: "I want to see colours again, everything I see is grey and