Deviation Actions
The results are in!
Thank you, everyone, for participating! Without further delay, here are your winners...
Only 3 people managed to find 24 or more gold coins
found 34 gold coins
found 28 gold coins
found 26 gold coins
Each of them will win:
1000 from @Community
A poetry commission from @Malintra-Shadowmoon
A diamond badge from @AlexanderPaupoff
Special mention
found 23 gold coins
They will win:
500 from @Community
A diamond badge from @AlexanderPaupoff
Remaining participants who found one or more gold coins
@artfrancamargo (17) will win 225
@Phraggle (17) will win 225
@warrior31992 (13) will win 150
@SpaceFelineAtEquinox (12) will win 130
@HubyLaaner (11) will win 120
@MayGoldworthy (9) will win 100
@SweetArtsStudio (7) will win 80
@s4shiro (6) will win 70
@MantaDrifter (4) will win 50
@nanahwang (4) will win 50
@Autobot793 (3) will win 30
@D1sf0r14 (3) will win 30
@Hardsara (3) will win 30
@MythicalLore (3) will win 30
@GeorgeXVII (2) will win 20
@JubiLexi (2) will win 20
@MelMuff (2) will win 20
@shedofjoy (2) will win 20
@Space-between-spaces (2) will win 20
@peanuts80snerdgirl (2) will win 20
@Triplechoc (2) will win 20
@AstroPhilia2008 (1) will win 10
@DeathEXEIsHere (1) will win 10
@resondog (1) will win 10
@SugarBunnyDanna (1) will win 10
All prizes are courtesy of @Community
Some fun facts
There were 350 coins hidden in total, of which 70 were true gold coins.
58 true gold coins were found, 12 were not.
We had 30 participants in total, 29 of whom found at least 1 gold coin.
Participants found all 5 gold coins in the profiles of @morbidman187 (2 participants), @TheFulkrum (1 participant), @barefootliam (1 participant).
Least amount of gold coins found in the profiles of @phoenixleo (2 participants found 1 out of 5 gold coins each), @BeckyKidus (most found 2 out of 5 gold coins only), @craftsbyblue (Only two participants found 2 out of 5 gold coins).
Thank you to everyone who made the Golden Scavenger Hunt 2024 possible
DD Round-up: August24
DD Round-up: July24
Welcome Feature 8
Demon Slayer: Share your favs!
Why am i not surprised that the ones from @phoenixleo were the hardest to find?