Alex-Darkrai's avatar


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Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • Mar 23, 1993
  • Germany
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • He / Him
Gold Coin 2023: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (192)
My Bio
Yeah, here I'm calling myself Alex-Darkrai, but on many other sites my names are Frozeneye or Zero-Star, because I prefer these names ^^"
I'm here on deviantArt, because I'm not satisfied with my current artistic skills and I want to develope them ^^
So everyone who reads this is welcome to give me comments or support on my art xD

Favourite genre of music: Rock, J-Pop, Classic
Favourite style of art: LEGO MOCing
Favourite cartoon character: OP - Monky D. Dragon, Bleach - Mizuiro Kojima, TWEWY - Megumi Kitaniji
Personal Quote: Fascinating!

Favourite Movies
Kung Fu Hustle
Favourite TV Shows
Scrubs, Stern TV
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
My Chemical Romance, Hideki Naganuma
Favourite Games
The World Ends With You, Jet Set Radio Future
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo DSi, Nintendo 3DS, PSP
Tools of the Trade
Other Interests
Games, Badminton, Diving
Well, I haven't written a journal in some time. Probably because I thought there isn't much to talk about from my side, because I'm unable to creat MOCs right now. But the recent journal Rahiden ( wrote got me thinking about my current life as an artist and that made me realize that I actually DO creat art at the moment. I'm studying architecture and there are always kind of artistic things I'm working on. These are also some things I'd like to show people and get feedback on it. So now the question to my watchers, I apparently have 449 right now (which is kind of A LOT, thanks by the way if you are reading this!); Are you interested
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Hey there, I totally forgot to mention that on here! I am going to be in America for the next 12 days! Montreal 27.5.-31.5. (Canada) Boston 31.5.-2.6. (USA) New York 2.6.-7.6. (USA) That's the data for whoever wants to know! Maybe anyone nearby wanna meet up? Doesn't happen all that often to be around there for me, so I might as well use the chance! I'm gonna try to check my mails as often as I can while I'm there, so just send a message if anyone is interested! Bye for now! An wish me luck with the journey!
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I have been thinking about it for the last few months! I wasn't really able to produce anything new or anything I'm satisfied with. Even Yevrah was more of an experiment where I tried something new, but it wasn't the usual MOCing which I prefer to do. Which is why I really thought about leaving back my parts and MOCs. Until this weekend; I had originally planned to spend the evening with some friends and went home from university for that reason. Sadly it got too late and I wasn't able to meet up with my friends, so I stayed home with nothing to do for the first time in a while. I grabbed some parts, as always, and tried a bit around. Nothin
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Profile Comments 615

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Happy Birthday!
Hope you have a Happy Birthday!
Thank you very much! I sure had! :D
Happy Happy Birthday,
From all of us too you!!~
We wish it was our Birthday,
So we could party too!!~
Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake 3D Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake 3D
Aww, thanks a lot! :D
You are very welcome indeed!!~