Alejandro-Mikros on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

Various game girls stage 6



A couple more rows are added with Sonya, Kitana, Synn, Rynn, Konoko, Yuki and a Sword Sister.

First row:
Outline of the base sprite, referenced from Shiki’s standing pose (SvC: Chaos)
Poison (Final Fight)
Hibana (Kunoichi / Nightshade)
Vanessa Z. Schneider (PN03)
Alicia (Bullet Witch)

Second row:
Sarah Kerrigan (Starcraft)
-Serra Angel- (Magic: The Gathering)

Third row:
Nagi Hojo (Last Bronx)
Lenneth (Valkyrie Profile)
Nina Williams (Tekken)
Crimson Viper (Street Fighter)
Faith (Mirror’s Edge)

Fourth row:
Hilde (Soulcalibur)
-Naga Queen- (Heroes of Might and Magic)

Fifth Row:
-Shadow Elf- (Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara)
Mary Bee (Shock Troopers)
Zoe (Blade: The Edge of Darkness / Severance: Blade of darkness)
Bayonetta (Bayonetta)

Sixth Row:
Lucia (Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom)
Moriah (Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara)
-Bloody Fury- (Heroes of Might and Magic)
-Fan Fighter- (Yie Ar Kung Fu)

Seventh Row:
Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)
Anya Stroud (Gears of War)
Rayne (Bloodrayne)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
-Doppelganger- (Tomb Raider)

Eigth Row:
Sonya Blade (Mortal Kombat)
Kitana (Mortal Kombat)
Synn (Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara)

Ninth Row:
Rynn (Drakan)
Konoko (Oni)
Yuki (Onna Sansirou - Typhoon Gal)
-Sword Sister- (Mount&Blade)

Let’s see what I can say about the latest additions.

Sonya was quick to do because her clothes are basically painted on her. When you notice it, there’s a ridiculous amount of antialiasing pixels around the white stripes on her pants, lol. Discussing on a different topic, some people find this outfit a bit cheesy. It’s not. It’s perfect to kick ass. Just because your aunt wears something similar when she goes to the gym it doesn’t make it any less serious.

Kitana was simple, too. The only real thing to do was the fans, and I did the old trick of making only one and copypasting it with few changes. The design of the outfit is cool, I guess. It’s not as plain as the one from MK2 and it’s not overdone. By the way, I wonder if the lack of ridiculous high heels in the classic MK games had something to do with the fact that the actresses would have to wear them for real (CG women don’t complain on calluses or sprained ankles).

Synn’s capes were mostly upscaled from an old sprite of her I had made. There was not much else to do because she’s quite scantily dressed. With her, all women from Shadow over Mystara are done.

Rynn’s dragon and soulmate, Arohk, is an example of the kind of effects you can do with a sensible use of layers. Well, not exactly layers, but you get the idea: make the shading in one picture, the scales in other and the colour patches in another one, and then blend them with whatever process your program of choice has.

Konoko was weird to do because the details of the outfit differ a bit in the artworks and ingame assets. I finally got the game after playing a demo for years. It’s lots of fun.

I bet you didn’t expect Yuki, did you? As far as I know, she’s kinda the first playable female in a fighting game, this is, if you count her game as such (it’s more of a wrestling game if you ask me, and this way I can still think of Chun Li as the first playable female in a true fighting game XD). I wondered if I should give her a bra or shirt, cause she apparently wears nothing under her gi in the game. I guess she wants to distract the referee so that she can use her groin kick.

The sword sister was obviously interesting to do because of the armour and stuff. I went with the armour design from warband. Sword sisters are kinda crazy, cause in addition to riding the fastest and weakest horses in the game, half of them decide not to wear a helmet despite being heavily armoured from neck down. I decided to draw one of the sisters that are sensible enough to wear a helmet, as well as carrying a crossbow (another item they randomly get).

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