Woodland Background TextureAlegion-stock on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/alegion-stock/art/Woodland-Background-Texture-71395008Alegion-stock

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Alegion-stock's avatar

Woodland Background Texture



A background/ texture I used in one of my projects [link]

Photoshop CS2, DAZ 3D Studio, wacom intuos3


FAQ #81: How can I make links to other deviants, deviations, or websites?

1. Please leave me a note or comment telling me you used my stock. (You don't have to ask permission first.)
2. Give me the link to your work, I would love to see what you do with my stock. If I like what you have done, I will fav it.
3. For use outside of DA please send me a note for permission.
4. If a photo has it's own rules, please follow them.
5. Be creative... using a filter doesn't cut it. Don't depend on your software or hardware to do all the job for you. Strive to do your best and to do better.
6. My stock is not to be used in any deviation that is a hate work against women, or against any human being, race, religion, sexual orientation or cultural differences.
7. My stock is not to be used in any deviation that depicts or suggests Animal Cruelty.
8. My stock may not be used in any sexually explicit artwork.
9. You have permission to use my stock as part of your print. Before offering an image as a print, be sure you spent time on it, and not just changed colors, contrast, etc.
10. Give me credit with a direct link to original stock.

I, Colin Foss, aka "alegion-stock" hereby give permission for my stock images to be freely used in any and all dA Prints.
Image size
800x1200px 975.58 KB
© 2007 - 2025 Alegion-stock
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osttt's avatar

Hi could I please use this for my art work on ponybox. My art below

Picture Perfect