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Daily Deviation

December 12, 2014
Vunsvagh by AlectorFencer features gorgeous use of light and shadow and an absolutely ferocious figure.
Featured by Aeirmid
Suggested by PirateLotus-Stock
AlectorFencer's avatar




:bulletgreen: Thank you so much for the support on my "Myre" campaign on Indiegogo! This truly means the world to me. <3 MYRE - The Journey Begins> :bulletgreen:

Once, triumphant.
A sunrises' soft caress lauded to its Brightest Son.
Champion. Ever Vigilant. Ever for Honor's sake.

On legs of broken branches and thatched thorned stems
He Strides, No longer. Brought low, fallen from on High
Once golden light - a warmth of ages. The Noble light of
Justice, torn from his grasp.

Honor dashed Upon
The rocks, welcoming arms no longer. Gone from the Light of Day.
Only Ragged Cries in the midday night of Shadow.
Frozen and forlorn bitterment - vainglorious once
Only Burning embers of Hatred remain, ever potent.
Cast down. Forgotten. Fallen.

Now the King of Rats upon a Throne of Thorns.
An Eternal vigil of Torment. With only the patient council of Vengeance.

- WanderingPariah

I revised an older painting of one of the main characters of my graphic novel "MYRE" which will be presented at my Myre panel at Anthrocon in less than three weeks! :)
If you're going to AC, pop by the Friday panels "Alector's Graphic Novel" and find out what is there to see. It will hopefully be surprising!

Bullet; BlueTo get information about the graphic novel "Myre", please follow me on Twitter:
Bullet; Blue And or Facebook:

Thank you so much for looking :blowkiss:

MYRE - The Great Black Dragon by AlectorFencer Myre and Varug by AlectorFencer
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1417x834px 981.37 KB
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ariya-sacca's avatar

Wonderful depiction!