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What is shaking this small Yrian family isn't the reverberating thunder of the Miyut passing. It's due to what is sitting on top of them. Being up close to these tremendous beasts of burden mean no good. And despite the fact that the small group of people won't be even noticed, everyone on Yria knows to stay well hidden for when the Dwellers come by...
This is a new development sketch for Myre 2, (my large graphic novel project) to get used to dusty desert plains and huge things again. I want to go deeper into the design of the Miyuts before I commit to put these into motion in form of panels. It's important for me to nail the idea and make them function as best as possible. It is such a great joy of mine.

Haunter of Dreams and Myre - Chronicles of Yria Volume 1 are available in my shop! Thank you so much for all the love and support! <3

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© 2019 - 2024 AlectorFencer
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Zevnei's avatar

Ahhh! this take my breath away for one sec. this is gorgeous <3!