SPEEDPAINTING BRUSHESAlectorFencer on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/alectorfencer/art/SPEEDPAINTING-BRUSHES-446827129AlectorFencer

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As a follow up to my Texture Brushes as a thank You for the wonderful community full of creative and inspiring artists, I made these for you to have fun with! Those are currently my favourite brushes I work with, and they more or less happened in a same way how I usually create my art. It all starts with an idea and happens in a certain flow. :)

If you want to support me as a freelance artist and the brushes, a little chip in would help me a lot <3

:bulletgreen:Donate to help the plant grow:bulletgreen:


Find my texture brushes here:

Texture Brushes by AlectorFencer

Some brushes can be a pain in the bum to use especially because their texture and style is so distinctive that changing brushes whilst painting can turn into a negative part of creating an image for the starters among the digital artists.

So I tried to create brushes that are simple to use for shading, detailing, etc.

I hope you enjoy, my dears. :blowkiss:

:bulletorange: Important:

How to load brushes into your program:

- Select the brush tool or hit the key "B" to select the tool.

- Click next to the arrow of the shown brush on the upper tool bar to open the "Brush Preset Picker".

- click the small arrow on the right side next to where you see the pixel size.

- then select "Load Brushes" and choose the files.

- there you go! The brushes will be loaded underneath all your other brushes.

- enjoy!

P.S:: You don't need to but it would be lovely (and also because I'm so curious) if you could link me your works for which you used these brushes. :]

Please do not redistribute or sell these brushes. Thank you!

 In Quietness by AlectorFencer
© 2014 - 2025 AlectorFencer
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Girotte's avatar

Muito obrigado