Sheke / Sort of Artist / UK / 28 / He-They (Non-binary)
i draw lots of left-facing men
Commission Information:
2) (Male - Vayron - Runner - Healthy)
F: Lisse Coat
T: Bear Ears, Puff Tail, Feline Eyes
P: Dusted Bleached Cheeky Outlined Koi Storm with Underbelly and Pangare
G: Sto+Du/nBe/hU/nPn/nCk/nOt/nKi
to @Permafreeze
Hephaestus 14705 x Nirvana 14235
3) (Male - Vayron - Puller - Healthy)
F: Lisse Coat
T: Bear Ears, Equine Tail, Round Eyes
P: Oriental Outlined Rose with Runes
G: Ros+nRn/Or/nOt
3) (Female - Tyrian - Empyrian - Healthy)
F: Lisse Coat
T: Vulpes Ears, Ribbed Tail, Round Eyes
P: Barred Bleached Freckled Sable Grey Ringed Molten Gold with Phoenix
G: MoG+nBa/nBe/Fr/nSb/Gr/nPhx/nRi