Features 1 - Autumn

15 min read

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Alcamin's avatar

The Journal

I've been wanting to do this for quite some time but have just never got around to it. I'm a huge fan of this site and the artist that make it such a vibrant community so this is my way of giving something back. I haven't decided exactly how I want to organise it yet but I'll let's just see what happens. :) Hopefully I'll make this into a weekly event.

Watch this space and long live dA! :#1:


Feature - Autumn

Now that the season is turning every wood, hill, field and roadside is changing and becoming dominated by bright yellows, deep browns and bold crimsons. It's a magical time of year and one that we photographs adore. In celebration here is a selection of top quality images that perfectly capture the essence of the time of year that some simply now as "the Fall". :)

autumn sun by ssilence Autumn Ethereal by alexandre-deschaumes Bloody Autumn by Frider
:thumb79872993: :thumb67919775: Autumn of life by WiciaQ
:thumb66775048: :thumb11776033: :thumb100078202:
Autumn rings by eswendel autumn aspens by collectiveone :thumb98947308:
Autumn Mosaic by parallel-pam AUTUMN........ by YuriBonder
Autumn :HEART: by monsungirl The Roads Of Autumn by kkart autumn leaves by quadratiges
Russian autumn - 10 by Nickdan The colors of autumn by Osiris81 :thumb75780362:
Autumn colors II by joffo1 :thumb33825853:
Autumn what I like by mjagiellicz Autumn by versatile-lv Autumn by Yagoryo
:thumb67846509: Autumn's here by calleartmark
Autumn Reflections by dlusion autumn. by santi Autumn III by emmysdaddy

Links and Bars

Friends and Clubs

friends STAMP by peterdzign

dA Family: :iconsoliloquis: Little bro

Proud Administrator of:

:icontolkien: :iconbritain: :iconrestlessphotographer: :iconcanon400d: :iconnaturpics-club: :iconflower-club: :iconsky-club: :iconnaturephotographer: :iconnatureshaven: :iconmacro-beginners-club: :iconnature-club: :iconcameraartsclub:

:thumb47841168: CameraArtsClub Stamp - White by CameraArtsClub Canon 400d Stamp by dadian Restless Photographers Stamp by mizzuae

Important Stamps

United Kingdom Flag Stamp by l8 firefox by urbanAR7 iTunes User Stamp by anekdamian Chinese Zodiac - Tiger by Sharkfold
:thumb50918762: :: Liek thanks you :: by Liek Long Term stamp by electricnet DA user by Oktanas
:thumb65540008::thumb31467431: EOS 400D Stamp by iZgo:thumb69054333:
Tolkien by Claire-stamps:thumb65417156:


My Own Stamps

Building Awareness of M.E/CFS

I'm trying to raise awareness about M.E (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis). It is an illness that goes almost unnoticed by most governments and needs to be taken more seriously. I’ve had it for seven years and as I am now on the mend I feel I need to help the less fortunate. For more information please go to www.afme.org.uk. Thank you. :glomp:

P.S Have a look here to learn about my recovery and the treatment that I received: alcamin.deviantart.com/journal….

Fun Stuff

© 2008 - 2024 Alcamin
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kkart's avatar
:) Thank you for featuring me!