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Warhammer40000 Queen Lachryma



Me as Queen Lachryma III of Sepheris Secundus
Photo - :iconashitaro:

I'd wanted to make this cosplay for a long time. Once the John Blanche's illustrations by Horus Heresy Sketchbook have overwhelmed me, and the idea to make this cosplay had haunted my mind. Finally, I took the plunge. I'm an old fan of the Warhammer 40 000 Universe to begin with; it's time to make some tangible proofs of my love.
Though, I have no certainty in whether this woman is Queen Lachryma. Yes, this is how imagines her but the very scetchbook she mentioned as Imperial Nobility - Winter Court Dress. I'm not sure about her, but I like her.
Almost all costume is made by me.
Many thanks to :iconashitaro: for invaluable help. Btw, those gorgeous skills were made by her.
Image size
665x1000px 769.81 KB
Canon EOS 7D
Shutter Speed
1/128 second
Focal Length
23 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Mar 26, 2011, 8:24:18 AM
Sensor Size
© 2011 - 2024 alberti
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