Viking assault on the Twin Cities- GP MinneapolisAlayna on DeviantArt

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Viking assault on the Twin Cities- GP Minneapolis



This is the playmat for the upcoming Magic: The Gathering tournament, the Grand Prix Minneapolis in May.

The towers are actual towers from St. Paul and Minneapolis and the river between them the Mississippi... and they're being attacked by vikings. =) oh Minnesota

The first 750 players who attend will get this playmat! They'll definitely run out so get there early.

More info here! [link]

And a BIG BIG Thank you to :icondaarken: who gave me a ton of help with this piece. He did a paintover that helped me go in the right direction with this! He's awesome and if you don't already know who he is, check out his work and be amazed. Daarken is one of the best artists in the industry and I am infinitely humbled that he helped me.

Like me on Facebook =) [link]
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© 2012 - 2025 Alayna
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Hey Im starting a comic convention in albert lea minnesota and am looking for minnesota artists to come and show their work. can you all pass the word so i can have a wonderful turnout of minnesota artists. my name is gilbert johnson jr. email is thechapelcomicsgmail