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Down, Styphon!



From the upcoming novel by John F. Carr, commissioned and published by Pequod Press, 2016

This last novel of the Kalvan Kingmaker series, started in 2000 (Kalvan Kingmaker, in this gallery), ends with the return of Great King Kalvan, to his original home of Hostigos (Pennsylvania) after 3 years of exile (in the Georgia region), and set in an alternate timeline that is of Europe circa 1550, but set in north America.

The war of reconquest begins at sea, taking on the House of Styphon, and their fleet which is positioned off the coast of Hos-Bletha (Florida).

There the Hostigi fleet has a nasty surprise for the Styphoni fleet-greek fire, made possible by King Kalvan's knowledge of modern history (he was taken by the Paratime Police from Pennsylvania in 1964).

But, can technology alone bring Kalvan and his war-weary people, back to Hostigos?
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1350x917px 336.57 KB
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