that rhymes with MENGalaisiaga on DeviantArt

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alaisiaga's avatar

that rhymes with MENG



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so, yeah, avatar: the last airbender has been eating my life a bit. and :iconcrystallicrain: told me to draw her something that would make her smile.

thus- a two-minute (total) meng, aunt wu's cute little assistant, who is rather infatuated with aang. best. closing line. ever.

i wanted yue or katara to be my first fanart for a:tla... oh well. expect some more soonish. ;P

avatar: the last airbender and everything associated with it do not belong to me, but rather to nickelodeon & co.
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Kiyithezutarian's avatar
:iconkiyithezutarian: :iconsaysplz: Okay! Meng you earned a shipping supporter!