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alaisiaga's avatar

Literature Text

Walking before the dawn,
sleeping with hems of dew.
The stars and the wind in my hair.
You always knew what I needed.
I should have said something,
but I never felt I needed.

The echoes of your veins,
the tides of your breath.
When I listened then,
that was all I knew.
And it was something close to happiness,
some way close to you.

I think you knew. You always knew.
Scared of letters. That word, close to breaching.
So I let it be. We didn't need it.

The rain we never minded, because we knew it was needed.
(The light caught us unaware, our plans and fears and traded scars.)
The end of the world came and went, no one around to see it.
(This new-washed sky was ours alone, still morning kept in a bell jar,)
held tightly for a time we never thought would come and need it.
(Hold tightly now; hard enough to make me feel)

Those crystalled moments you meant to me,
I dust them off, display them here.
We had time; just not enough.
Never enough.
this is a song about not being in love. quite possibly my favorite that i've done yet for this project.

this happens in between epic dramatic events or something. ever and aerie are reminiscing about hanging out. like, y'know, when aerie was alive and not some bizarre shadow demon. happens to all friendships.

the chorus repeats at the end. simple chord progression with an em9 that i particularly enjoy. note to self: learn how to play the freaking guitar.

i'm a detail-oriented dork, and i can tell you specifically what each phrase is in reference to.

i made ever and aerie and am in the process of making CoLaS.
© 2010 - 2025 alaisiaga
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SnowTail's avatar
it feels so personal, but maybe that's because i know the story, now.
i enjoy the imagery the line "The stars and wind in my hair." gives me.
you're one hell of a writer. i think this is my new favorite by you. :heart: