AkuraPare's avatar


  • Czech Republic
  • Deviant for 13 years
  • He / Him


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AI generated images are everywhere and while i can think anything about authorship or originality, i have to admit that playing with it is real fun and results are sometimes astonishing. i am not interested in generating images from word description. But using fractal structure as a base - covering existing structures with various surfaces or "augmenting" it with industrial/natural/scifi feel - could be a lot more interesting. i have almost zero experience with ai web interfaces so i took inspiration from gallery of https://www.deviantart.com/isider (thank you very much, dear Isa!) just because i really like style and results. Link to ZOO ui (used models: depth, normal): https://zoo.replicate.dev/controlnet base fractal images: jpg, 1920x1080 (yes, could be png but it is just fun), i got 3x2x6 images (3 inputs, depth/normal model, 6 variations for each), took the best results up-scaled twice with Waifu2x with no additional post process. 455z2c3d.jpg and results (2x depth model/2x
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Hello anybody interested in making of mb3d animated loops :) 1 Wheels 2 Pumps 3 Whirls 4 Ectoplasmic Convertor 5 Factory 6 Engine 7 Merry-Go-Round 8 Water Base 9 Orchard idea - make funny animated 3d fractals, prepare it accessible way for other da fractal fans and at last (but not at least) not to spend weeks waiting for 3000 frames of fly over lovely scenery from point 1 abruptly ending at point 2... cool. but not so much without experienced post-process and more thought out scenario and cuts and added elements etc. scenario - funny is there are looping possibilities almost anywhere but not always it keeps together nice way during the whole cycle. i decided to do more childish, simple loops (while thinking about pair of 3 difs formulas in demin both animated somehow complementary). rotate, scale and move as always :D circular movements, changes at height map surface, growing and fading, increasing and decreasing, lift it up and put it down, switch it on and off again, repeat it
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My first (supposedly simple) intention was to upload 2 short hd loops of animated fractals but i have no idea how to upload video format as avi, mp4 or mkv. probably still not possible... wait! except animated gif or not? i definitely uploaded some in the past to my animations gallery... but i have no idea how to upload even ugly animated gifs:blushes: so if i am stupid, please help! for fractal fans who are not afraid :) here: wheels and pumps are zip files with 10, resp. 20 jpg files which could be played for example in old good free irfanview sw as slideshow (with automatic slide advancement set to 0,04 s). hd is worth it - every frame of the 2nd one cost 40 minutes, with reflections, dof, everything. HAPPY NEW YEAR edit: irfanview has nice possibility to export slideshow to windows screensaver format (*.scr)
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Immersed into Flowscape using mb3d panorama render as a sky inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFoY0CE1Sbc&list=OLAK5uy_kQRnNSIUB4dGcTtXmWQ2IoBvQiDdMBdvM&index=5
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18 hours to full moon, no new fractal explorations, relaxing with flowscape, it seems to put my tamagochi's graphic circuits under a lot of stress, so we listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puZ0o4x-aKs to cool down wish you the best...
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Thank you for faves and comments 😀

you are welcome!

Thanks for the comment and :+fav: !!

you are welcome :sun:

Hi ! Thanks for the fav of, and comment in,  "Curly Wurly".