El Guerrero Pintado de ButuanAkopito on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/akopito/art/El-Guerrero-Pintado-de-Butuan-368443076Akopito

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El Guerrero Pintado de Butuan



The Painted warrior of Butuan


This is my concept of a Pintado Warrior of Butuan, you probably find the tattoo pattern odd,
the tattoo Pattern is inspired by one the early Spanish account description of a Cebuano Tattoo which Pigafetta described as Fiery or wavy pattern tattoo
as he mentioned in his journal when Magellan and his crew visited the island of Cebu. mixing it with the generic tattoo design which you can find it
on one of the Bisaya illustration in the 1500s Boxer manuscript and Alcina's depiction of a Bisaya tattooed warrior which they described as Bold line and Zigzag pattern.

The Chest tattoo is a Sampaguita design tattoo (tis not actually a sun tattoo, its actually a flower tattoo which is very similar to the Bornean Tattoo)

The Sword is an Ilonggo blade which is the "Ginunting" the hilt design which mimics a Beast head is inspired by one of the Ginunting images which you can find it on "Filipino History & weapon" facebook page,

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© 2013 - 2025 Akopito
anonymous's avatar
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what does the background symbol represent or mean? also what does the writing says? ganda, galing mo po!