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Hello watchers.

It’s me, Chris.

I’m heading to a con with a friend of mine in the south of New Zealand, I’ll be cosplaying as Ellis and my buddy Kaitlyn is going as Nick. 

We haven’t missed the deadline for the Auckland armageddon skit comps but it might be a little messy to get everything sorted out in this time but if you can make it that’d be great, just let me know, if not:

The con I will be attending again is 2018 has a skit comp, which I would really love to enter with a group, So any cosplayers interested (no younger then 13 and no older then 19 otherwise I might get weird looks from me family.. sorry guys) in running around four cons over the span of three days or even just heading to one armageddon. please note me, I’d love to hear from you, I just need a vague idea of how many kiwi cosplayers I can pull together to form a little group.

It’ll be a lot of fun and I’ll (hopefully with some help from anyone attending the cons or otherwise) have a script written. I might also be able to get a video camera if you all feel comfortable with being on youtube. After that is you, we can attend more cons around the country are random points in other cosplays.

This is gender none exclusive, and crossplay is welcome. 2018 will be our l4d(2) themed cosplay but after that it’s really up to everyone in the group. 

It won’t be to formal, it’s just for fun and a bit of a laugh. it should also be a great chance to make some new friends which is a pretty cool thing to do within the cosplay community, but there will be a few dead dead lines.. like your cosplay (and you can ask for help from others, thats totally A-okay) has to be done at least a week before the con.

If you could pass this message on to any New Zealand or Australian (who will be attending) cosplayers, that would be amazing, even if you your self can’t attend.

Thanks a million.


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