Ayy guess who is not dead

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Akiraka-chan's avatar
I haven't been on DA for soooo long Caveman SpongeBob icon 

I did read some messages but I'm terribly sorry for not replying!
I should be doing my assignment right now but I'm full on doodle mood today :^)))
So I doodled Yandere-chan! 
Yandere-chan by Akiraka-chan

School is still stressing haha-
I stayed home this Thursday since I haven't been sleeping because of assignments y v y
Mom afraid that I would faint from exhaustion

But nevertheless, I'm happy that I get to learn a lot (especially traditional) skills in school
And I'm really glad that my anatomy improved a lot!! <33
13450221 1351881984838344 8479322374757864194 N by Akiraka-chan

Computer class is probably my favourite class because I'm more skilled with digital paintings XD
We just learnt how to colour in Photoshop yesterday
13483045 1351645634861979 6848590172587466607 O by Akiraka-chan

Design class is well.... they say our lecturer is known for giving a lot of work Osomatsu-san what 
But he still like my design ideas which is a good thing I guess? :XD:

Anyway, I have to eat and start doing my assignments
Have a meme before I go :^)
Special Agent Oso by Akiraka-chan


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EzraHoratia's avatar
Hang in there, you can do it! :)