akinna-stock on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/akinna-stock/art/paper-texture-43428123akinna-stock

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akinna-stock's avatar

paper texture

1M Views1 Collected Privately


About this texture:
Paper scanned in at 300dpi and then added some more texture and contrast.

The Simple Rules for Usage:

+ If you use any of my stock or textures all you have to do is credit me in the description with a link to this account and/or the original.
+ But don't forget to send me a note or comment with a link to your creation so that I can enjoy it and give it a :+fav:.
+ You can read more about my rules in my journal.
+ And remember to have fun and be creative!!!

Some Helpful Tips:
- If you for some reason need a smaller version of this stock (if you have dial-up for example), please let me know and I can re-size it and upload it in my scraps.
- If you don't know how to link you can read FAQ #81: How can I create links to other deviants, deviations, or websites?
- Read my journal for news, features and more.

Bullet; Blue Please check out my Etsy shop at angelgnome.etsy.com, I would love the support if you like what I make! :love: There you will find handpainted pouches, original ACEOs and other creations! Boogie!

Image size
2191x2669px 2.19 MB
© 2006 - 2024 akinna-stock
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MireilleD's avatar

Used also here:

Nid Accueillant

Many thanks!