Everything Seems to Have Halted...

3 min read

Deviation Actions

Akili-Amethyst's avatar


As some of you may have found out, my Kickstarter projects have been hidden from the public. And those of you who backed the projects received emails about it being under copyright infringement dispute.

Apparently Hasbro is really cracking down on some of the bigger fan-made projects.

To those of you that backed-
Don't worry, I will be getting the coins made and sent to you. I'll just have to get everyone's addresses in some other way. Don't send me your address now. I need to keep it organised. Once I am able to keep it organised, I will ask for addresses.

Also, all of my swag on Etsy has been taken down. I won't be able to list more coins or anything until this is straightened out. Actually, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to re-list anything. Etsy themselves asked me not to.

I'm working really hard to figure this out, so forgive me if you don't hear from me in a bit.


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FirestormDangerDash's avatar
Well, that escalated quickly... Huh, perhaps I should of backed at the chance. Of course now im bathing in money. The irony. Oh the irony. I hope things work out for you. Really.