Akili-Amethyst on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/akili-amethyst/art/Celestia-Luna-Coin-second-run-356776235Akili-Amethyst

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Akili-Amethyst's avatar

Celestia-Luna Coin -second run-



The Second Run of the Celestia/Luna coins came in today!

More to come next weekend! Same place! Keep an eye out!

The text on the side says "Akili-Amethyst * 2013 * Friendship is Magic * 2013 *"
Pictured next to the Celestia/Luna Coin are a US Quarter, and a 1 Euro for size comparison.
The Celestia/Luna coins are (approximately) 2 inches in diameter and 3.5mm thick, weighing a hefty 2.2 oz.
They are made from brass, coated on one side with gold, and nickel on the other.

Questions? FAQ: akili-amethyst.deviantart.com/โ€ฆ
Image size
4112x5128px 24 MB
ยฉ 2013 - 2024 Akili-Amethyst
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UnderwoodART's avatar

I wish MLP coins were still being sold... I wasn't into the fandom enough when they were popular, and by the time I was willing to spend that much, they barely exist online at all, let alone for sale. I desperately want a replica bit that I saw years ago, but now I can't even find a reference image of it :(