FinallyAkilehHelika on DeviantArt

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AkilehHelika's avatar




Just... wanted to paint something colorful with my OTP being happy. Title is a play on the Final Act. Done in Photoshop. 

Also a heads up to anyone out there, if you're on tumblr and still love Inuyasha, the Inu-fandom is basically throwing together a month long event called "Inuvember" where from November 2-30, the fandom will be in full swing making art, fics, gifs, and whatnot to show their love for the series as an anime and manga! It'll be really fun, so feel free to join us there, tagged as "inuvember" so you can find more info there! My username is "justafewsmallsteps"

Also if you like my art, feel FREE TO AND PLEASE DO check out my art giveaway/commission page!…

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800x800px 717.17 KB
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KearereChan's avatar
oh the colors ;^; and their faces ! simply beautiful ! Love Love Love