DeparturesAkenBosch on DeviantArt

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AkenBosch's avatar




I made it, I'm back!

It's been a quite long while, but I really had too much to do in real life in the last months to keep up with my "hobby"...
And also, I had to put up the new "Aken-Machine" :D
Now, working on a dual core with 2 gigs of ram for photoshop, and a 20" lcd to see what I'm doing, is way better than before!

First work on the new rig, as ever, with model taken from in-game screens of X3 Reunion...only this time in quite high-res for my standards...

This view of an Argon ship exiting the huge circular interiors of a Spaceport, is a sort of reproduction of a similar perspective I came up with in a game screenshot taken some times ago for a forum contest...the image won, and the suggestion was so strong even for a low-res game capture, that I decided to "enhance" it in the best way I could...
So, I went back in game, take the same screenshot in hi-res (1680x1050 indeed), and used it as base for this image :)

The result is what you see up here, the background is new from scratch, but the station and ship views are the same, to give the title "Departures" a meaning :P

Enjoy, and please tell me what you like and what you don't ;)

P.S: planning to post even the original screen, so you can see where this pic come from...
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1680x1050px 307.86 KB
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synthoverseer's avatar
Amazing! Simply amazing!