AkenBosch's avatar


Alessio L.
150 Watchers23 Deviations

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  • Italy
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • He / Him
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (13)

Favourite Visual Artist
Hieronymus Bosch - M.C. Escher - a lot of others
Favourite Movies
2001: A Space Odyssey
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
No one in particular
Favourite Games
DooM - X (the series) - UT2004 - Duke Nukem 3D...too many...
Favourite Gaming Platform
Why, are there any other than PC?
Tools of the Trade
All that's needed to do what I do.
Other Interests
Space. There's lot of space around here, did you know it?
Hi all! Just five months without journals updates, my new record maybe :)Effectively, I hadn't nothing important to say to the world...well, I still don't have nothing important to say, hippyyeee! :party:Well, the days are hot because it's summer here (you'd never guess, don't you :boo:)...and the stuff is fresh 'cause I finally managed to get some new works almost ready :DNew ideas, new thing and techniques to test, and if all goes well, some new images, better than the ones before I hope :nod:Now, free time for actually applying these ideas, that's another matter :(....Hope to update soon, bye for now :bye:
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Silly title, isnt'it :PWell, my work, and the rest of life in general, are really doing the best trying to keep me away from my spare time activities (watering daisies, shooting the aliens in my closet, saving the cheerleader and the world...yes, even doing the images you see here!)Nonetheless, I've made it anyway, and found the time to put the new hardware to good use....I really hope "Departures" to be the first of a new series of image (mostly about X Universe, but maybe even not), maybe a bit more delayed in time compared to previous ones, but always originals, or nice to see at least...I know I'm not a really prolific Deviant, but giv...
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Now I see that I haven't been posting things for a while...bad, bad thing :(...luckily, not for lack of ideas, nor the will to do something...it 's just that, working on every day of the week but Sunday, usually from 8.00 am to 20.00 pm, and with every other problem tipical of the real life, having some spare time to dedicate to photoshop became not more than a legend...Anyway, as soon as I arrange myself with my new hardware (making pics with lots of levels should be a lot easier now, on dual core and dual gig of ram :D), and maybe with a new monitor in the next months (goodbye 15", hello 20", maybe?), I plan to make something fresh and n...
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Profile Comments 140

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Hello AkenBosch,

if I may be so bold to ask: how do you make these wallpapers and which programs do you use? I tripped over some of them while searching on dA and ... damn ... you're a god. °Д° I plan on making a bunch of wallpapers for myself and am curious how it's done. :D I hope you still come over here from time to time ...

Anyway, pretty cool gallery, keep it up! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

anything new planned yet? :-)
Hey there AkenBosch, I'm putting together a site dedicated for the X series, and would like to use 3 of your images in the following banner forms:



You will be credited of course, and a URL will link to your deviantart profile in both of the main site's links section, and on the forum's links section.

~Regards, Tomonor
Ciao, sei invitato su


la community italiana più grande di DeviantArt. :P
Hey, it's time for you to get back to work!

Well..I could say the same for me but there simply not enough time. Although I have some ideas I want to work on.

I'm putting together a PS3 theme and would like to use a few of your pieces in it. If that's alright.
No problem in using my pics, as long as it's not intended for making profitssss (and I suppose that's not the case :))

Sorry for the late answer!

P.S: just read your journal, you're excused :P...only ones from mine on 1920x1080 though, are my last two images...hope they fit for your theme!