nico/seiga download search guide 2019 ver (UPDATE)AkemiWhy on DeviantArt

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nico/seiga download search guide 2019 ver (UPDATE)



UPDATE 10/21/2020:
i've updated the guide a good amount today! the entire doc is now color coded, i added an objects category and moved a few things around, added an effects category, added two more users to the users tag at the bottom, and checked all tags and modified those that were no longer working

PLEASE NOTE, i've added a new disclaimer: several items on nicovideo have now been removed due to people leaking passwords. i don't think asking for assistance with passwords in private is bad, but outright leaking passwords to a massive audience like reposting someone's work and outright stating the passwords is really REALLY disrespectful. PLEASE think of creators and respect their wishes, or this is going to keep happening. if you keep disrespecting creators like this, we're all going to end up taking our work down and you'll no longer have access to new works.

if you don't respect creators, i don't respect you, and i'd rather you find your own way around. obviously i can't stop you from clicking my link, but know that if you ignore creator's rules i hate you and have zero respect for you.

model by maebari

so! i figured id was probably time to make a usable version of the nico/seiga search guide.

nicovideo/seiga has a LOT of really good content on it, and i think the artists deserve to have their work used more ! so that was my motivation for making the guide in the first place.

PLEASE respect all these creators by NOT REUPLOADING THEIR WORK TO DEVIANTART. it is not your work. if the creator wants to post their work to other sites, they will do it themselves.

if you REALLY want to reupload something, please contact the modeler first and ask their permission. if you get the OK to do so, i suggest including the proof on the post itself.

this time, i've adapted the guide to google docs. this should help with the links being broken, and hopefully it works much better. i've also updated it a bit to include some tags for popular games.

please respect the creators of the items you download! follow their guidelines! they're people too, and they deserve just as much respect and consideration as anyone else.

without further ado, here's the link to the guide:…

if there's anything you'd like me to add, please let me know ! i'm also willing to answer any questions to the best of my abilities.
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