AK-Is-Harmless on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ak-is-harmless/art/Ben-Wants-Hair-20092211AK-Is-Harmless

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Ben Wants Hair



I drew this a month ago, after I had fallen down a flight of steps and broke every bone in my body. While I was attended to by a trio of attractive nurses, I honed my psychic abilities to a point where I could draw cartoons simply by manipulating my pencils with my mind. This is the final result. :D

All lies, of course. :laughing:

I've been playing around with some more sequential Ben and Winslow comics. They take a long time to prepare, so don't expect very many of these. This was modified from several strip-format cartoons I did from college, where Ben was unhappy being bald. The storyline ended with Winslow taking the intitiative and getting a toupee for himself, which I've long-since turned into a cartoon: www.deviantart.com/deviation/1…

Reblog on Tumblr here: ak-is-harmless.tumblr.com/post…

Image size
1011x750px 200.27 KB
© 2005 - 2024 AK-Is-Harmless
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2Scribble's avatar
Alas poor fourth wall - killed at birth. With an axe marked Winslow on it in its back...