It was just something I was wondering. ^^ However, yes, I did notice it seemed you were not so.
Ich spreche keine Deutsch, aber...Ich bin ..."using" ein ubersetzer.
Ich bin fünfzehn Jahre. I dislike to say so due to...internet privacy and people's views toward the young like I am some misguided idiot who knows nothing. I call myself a National Socialist, but I am not so much that, more of a white nationalist, however I have a huge interest in all of the regime and the culture of it, and would side with it any day over most other parties, views, etc. I have felt little opposition to this in the past except for a few idiots who wish to scream at me with minimal ...moronic words that I am stupid or misguided, etc. "Violent"and "hateful". But I think you will understand.