:thumb121747107:Hi everybody
Pliz before the deadline of the contest and if you like my entrie http://ajonesa.deviantart.com/art/Just-a-funny-children-game-121747107
:+fav: it ;)Thanks a lot for all who :+fav: it and all deviant who support me :worship:Luv yu all :headbang:
:flame: SedART helped me! I very happy for my new journal
now 'cause it's compatible with Ie...
Good news, sedART helped me :bulletred: :postit: All artworks are protected :postit:
under Creative Commons !
You can't use my art for make money
and you can't modify them except if
you ask me the rights
by mail or note... (aJa) :thumb61440544: :thumb61484067: :thumb28902749: :thumb58843398::thumb59377286: :thumb50048972: :thumb43384351:
:thumb38648871: :thumb50467137: :thumb49765161:
:thumb47866382: :thumb37202345: :thumb54540459: (Scroll with the mouse to show all stamps) :thumb62712996: :thumb62761941: :thumb62761828: :thumb6276...
Creatures' Website Tutorials (Fr) Gallery Photomanip HP Lovecraft Prints :thumb62762025: :flame: Welcome to my new journal! I made a lot of stamps this 2 days,
for support French community
and misc. artists i like :bulletred: :postit: All artworks are protected :postit:
under Creative Commons !
You can't use my art for make
money and you can't modify them
except if you ask me the rights
by mail or note... (aJa) :thumb41339942: :thumb41324631:
:thumb59988883: :thumb30132375: :thumb60288869:
:thumb28902749: :thumb58843398::thumb59377286: :thumb50048972: :thumb43384351:
:thumb38648871: :thumb50467137: :thumb49765161::thumb62712996: :thumb62...