Guardian nemoAJandcrew134 on DeviantArt

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Guardian nemo



Nemo belongs to eternalJonathan

Nemo had been around sense the early days of the 13 and had battled in the first cybertronian war again the fallen. For many mega cycles nemo would proved to be a great allie to the autobots, he showed great signs of care for his fellow team mates and even went against the fallen for a few occasions. He was a valuable asset to the war. When the war ended nemo was summoned by primus and was given his curret form you see here allowing him to transform into a cybertronian truck. But thats not all as he can shapeshift into any form he pleases both for his vehivle modes and robot modes. He was then assigned to protect two future rulers of a autobot colony planet but he would be allowed to help others in need especially with stories and sightings of the fallen had been documented. The rulers he was assigned to protect were celestia and luna as by this time with the first to be both chosen. Nemo can act serious but has a soft side and a inner child he once and awhile lets loose when not protecting the sisters or protecting the weak. Another thing nemo was known for was being a scientist who created his lab in a pocket dimension within a subspace storage system. Even though nemo wouldn't come to earth at first he was regularly seen helping and often saving the autobots from the shadows, he would had to reveal himself when the fallen (gaster) had arrived on earth to fight them off and again when nightmare wizard and his followers known as chaotic nightmare attack during the finally
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