AJandcrew134 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ajandcrew134/art/Corrupter-soul-wilfred-1002355155AJandcrew134

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Corrupter soul wilfred



I had a idea to do my own version of the monster under the shed for my AEG AU and my sodorbrony inspired series "sodor new days and misadventures" headcannon and instead of calling the engine hawin it will be wilford as i do want to try my own thing

Anyways wilfred was one of the few early members of the sodor team along with edward, james, gordon, vector (victor from the magazine stories), marklin, and recently thomas. Wilford was a hard worker and a honest engine who was sent to work on the newly built hawin lake branch... but stange things would happen there... and thus the famous story of the monster under the shed happen but with a twist... no one knows what happen to the little engine with so many people making wild theories at the time and still do to this day long after wilford disappearance

This is where the story would end... until every foggy night empty station and line would have strange events of moans, whispers of cries for help and mercy, and above all a silhouette of people two station masters and wilfred himself. They only appear on foggy nights during fog season. Not much is known of the station masters aside from one of them... but the second was just a shadow figure?

One night during a investigation jinty and a small team would investigate these strange events and were warned by edward to stay alert... the thing they had to stay alert for was the monster and its pawns...

Wildfred is merely a puppet of the shed along with the two figures, the shed is fueled by dark matter and only appears during foggy nights

Wilfred has a lot of attack mainly power absorption and of course his engine large axe capable of chopping anything in half. He would serve as the fake antagonistic in the legend of sodor arc (inspried by supef mario rpg) with wilfred serving as smithy normal/phase 1 from with the shed bsing the true mastermind but ill go on a bit more when we get to that freak next post

Other details/notes:"wilfred has several scratches on his cab and face, the cuts on his face isnt blood but rust spots, the axe is rummored to belong to the shed itself, wilfred is abnormally larger and taller then everyone of the cast, his main weakness in this state is resistance buff basically a spell to free mind controlled beings from any sort of hypnotic and mind control effects though it does minor damage it does weaken him"

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3000x4000px 4.03 MB
Galaxy S23
Shutter Speed
1 second
Focal Length
5 mm
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Date Taken
Dec 15, 2023, 10:48:32 PM
© 2023 - 2024 AJandcrew134
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