The Little Red Riding HoodAish89 on DeviantArt

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The Little Red Riding Hood



That was awesomely fun to draw! Red makes the picture really enjoyable to work with X3

It's one of the Cosplay Posters for my BabyBoy, featuring me in various costumes >w< Don't even ask me how many of them I have yet to do XDDD

This was a pain in the ass to ink though, but the second I put some random colors onto the sketch, it became a real pleasure :la:

I didn't find any interesting example of the Little Red Riding Hood costume, so I designed my own simple one. And I love it >333< I want that shirt so badly D:

So this is for my fiance <3

I know I should be doing commissions D:

Me © Me >8V
The Little Red Riding Hood © Charles Perrault or The Brothers Grimm
Art © =AishuuLovesSweets
Image size
620x877px 313.37 KB
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PG1224's avatar
Why is the word "the" at the beginning? Does that mean anything or am I reading too much into it? Because I tend to do that