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Happy Meadow



It’s happy Meadow Whisper (aka lupiniastudios)! I painted her on Monday evening but I was on a business trip and couldn’t scan the picture until I got home today.

Also a huge thanks to the amazing katiecandraw, who very quickly responded to my Twitter question about waterproof pens for outlines on that same Monday! The embarrassing thing is that I actually have a pen just like the one she recommended, but didn’t imagine it might be suitable. ^^;

My previous watercolor pictures were done with watercolor pencils. Last Saturday I finally bought a small box of "normal" watercolors and took them with me on Monday, eager to try a hoof with them if I had time after work. Below are links to the sketches I made before the watercolor, in chronological order. These are very raw, and took just a few minutes each. As you can see, I used the last one to practice outlines. ;)

Happy Meadow (Sketch 1)
Happy Meadow (Sketch 2)
Happy Meadow (Sketch 3)
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3531x2422px 1.59 MB
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