Manga page Tutorial PREVIEWairibbon on DeviantArt

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airibbon's avatar

Manga page Tutorial PREVIEW



You can see the final result in bigger size at [link]

you can read this comic at [link]

all the the brushes and tones can be downloaded here [link]

I seldom use manga studio to draw, but my friends wants tutorial to draw comic pages with photoshop. So I hope this helps them

all the characters had been copyrighted

this tutorial is going to be publish as a book. therefor its no longer free. sorry! ^^ when its finished published i put the link. thank you!

traditional media commission opened! see details--->[link]
Image size
195x2060px 106.55 KB
© 2012 - 2025 airibbon
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Kanadesonya's avatar
So how does the publishing process go?I live in the US,and really want to publish my work but im having difficulty grasping how its done plz help >^<