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Daily Deviation

March 17, 2009
A thumbnail that beckons to be viewed, is worth more than being a mere thumbnail. When viewed, it gives an explosion to the senses that makes it extremely hard to put away. phenomenon by ~aiRaGe is a breathtaking work of art and a truly stunning wallpaper!
Featured by archanN
Suggested by 2dazed
aiRaGe's avatar




Yeap no big cities this time :)
I was thinking about doing some space art again and ended up with this. A lot of fun, stuff like that makes me really relax. As i saw this image [link] , i just had to do something with it. I basically took the image as a base and started painting. Definately more Paint then Photo here, so it's not going to the Photomanip Gallery. Greg Martin was a big inspiration, visiting his website again after a long time made we want to do space art :)
Original width 5800px , detail shots are coming. Please don't critique about realism, this is pure Sci-Fi/Fantasy. All other input is much welcome. :nod:

75% Print Detail
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1280x960px 505.92 KB
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blessedout's avatar

Darn, I can’t. :(  OK, now that those shenanigans are over, I’ll tell you my thoughts on this.   This is AMAZING. I love the sparkles, the red/purple/pink/orange color palette (nice balance of cools and warm tones, in my opinion) and how you rendered the clouds. Some of the clouds look like they’re exploding, which is beyond cool.   The way you created this piece, it looks like one can see the galaxy around this sci-fi planet, even at sunset, before the sky is dark. The beach is awesome looking… it’s just a joy to stare at, and as I already said, I wish I could actually step into this place and visit from time to time (Mary Poppins has skills I wish I had)!

The only thing that I think you may POSSIBLY want to tweak (of course, you’re the artist, you know best and this is phenomenal - great title! - on its own) is to consider making the blues bluer on the left and right of the shot. I wonder how different it’d look if those blue skies were just a bit more saturated with color.   Anyway, this is an amazing piece and I am so happy you made it (and happy that I found it)! Thank you for creating this stunner!

This critique b:(ght to you by The Jolly Old Roger, Merry Critmas!