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darkoak213 visits Dr. Maslyn



Grammatical errors fixed, I believe!

:icondarkoak213: sent in a request to see Dr. Maslyn. I loved the idea he had for why he needed to talk to her!

:iconundrave: made the suggestion to darken the back of the couch, and now I think it looks a lot better!
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1621x3732px 2.31 MB
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karkovice1's avatar
Heh! Was sent here through Darkoak213's link in his journal.

It must've been quite an uplifting experience for him that the psychologist he was seeing was also a fan of MLP. :P

I also think it's funny that your ponysona also sits like Lyra. :P

Since then, we ran into each other on here, and have become good friends. Not only because of our mutual love of MLP, but because we both live in the same country and speak French/Fancy. We're about 600 kilometers apart from one another IRL, but we've started corresponding a lot on here.

I don't know if he really felt that way IRL when this was made; but hopefully now, he doesn't feel quite as alone.