lot of news and tasty feature !!! :D

25 min read

Deviation Actions

Aimelle's avatar

My prints: aimelle.deviantart.com/prints/
My community project: Word-worth-1000-pics
My Stock account: Aimelle-Stock

:chew: :chew: Treasures with food & beverage !!! :chew: :chew:

funny... refreshing... toughtful... surprising... artistic... creative !
let's get inspired by those wonderul pieces of art made from/with food and drink :boogie:
low :+fav: and popular deviations

:boing: fruits :boing:

:thumb58711557: Fruity creation by SMichanczyk
:thumb48420641: :thumb74906063:
fruits girls III by JDe :thumb73246422:
Coppercopia by bobtheraccoon cherry picking by apokalupsiseschaton
Appled Orange by LizaByte melange by maariusz
01 :: physalis by yatu-ex Still Life by geci
:thumb21909648: the movement in stillife part5 by fantasio

:boing: pears :boing:

:thumb44853521: Summer Heat by purplerose
Smile you pear by xsy The Biting Pear of Salamanca by ursulav

:boing: cherries :boing:

Cherry-picking Mice by Red-Clover Cherry-tree by NoDate
_ yummy yummy cherry by adeadrockstar Cherryfication by khrupov

:boing: apples :boing:

Mature Content

SIN-Pecado by Aegis-Illustration
.: candy apple aerogramme :. by xdragonflyx
Apples by pixi0123 Why Apples by pt-photo-inc
Apples... by denfo Forbidden Fruit by Mihai82000
:thumb76997892: :thumb76625496:
Bite me. by Finvara Apples by rscorp
Apple iPod by Martyred giving by amoroustak
:thumb24321202: Fruit From The Poison Tree by MelissaGriffin
Over the apple tree by archizero Keep the doctor Away III by DaffodilLament
Apple DNA-Green Apple by tinkupuri Green with envy ... by HumanDescent
Eve by sharadhaksar :thumb29541610:
Snow White: Blood Red... by Tenshi-Uriel   Rot by CrimsonTempter

:boing: misc. :boing:

:thumb47824076: strawberry by garrit
Taste Our Vines by purplepawn Become alive by Jasvena-photo
Persephone:  Rossetti Tribute by Athansor  :thumb71352537:
Fruit: Orange Slice Earrings 1 by junosama Citrus Still Life I by aimeelikestotakepics


playing hard to get by devilicious Bunny Heaven by angrymikko
Hibernating... by equilibrium3e


No Preview

:boing: sugared :boing:

Life of Marshmallowians by Xingz Sweet sweet love by Xingz
Decorating a cupcake by Fatima-AlKuwari An accident... by Fatima-AlKuwari
bonbon by SOOO funfair by DanielaUhlig
BubbleGum by f0xyme Candis series 2 by reeed
:thumb62449565: Confetti Party Piggy by Dellessanna Death by Kandy by lorrainemd

:boing: beverage :boing:

Coffee Couple by tataencu :thumb51157146:
Marshmallow by JeanFan Tea love by lena483
:thumb56745777: Glass by Lestrovoy
Coffee for Mister Mondrian by Floriandra My hard morning by cityflyart
:thumb1739456: milk . . . 6 by mehmeturgut
SweetHeart Coffee by GREEN-GRAFFITI Fishy Buisness by digioxide
Broken by Davenit

:boing: misc./others :boing:

A Tornado... by Fatima-AlKuwari red tea and milk by iNDiE-k
:thumb64661656: glass study by kweenofklubs
The Orange Fish by morestarinatthestars Living wine by Kyrr
smile by SOOO

Are you hungry ? :D :p

_____ ~°-°-°~ _____

Hi !
aww I haven't been active much the past 3 weeks and it will probably the same for those to come. I have other projects to work on and finish... as for my creativity workshop, which is very stimulating to do ! :boogie: :dance:
I miss you my friends ! I miss being on dA... It makes me so good to browse through your galleries... just to let you know I'm not dead :p and not forgetting you.
I will try to do a little bit of catch up now and then, but won't be able to reply to you all. If you had to talk to me, please note me. This is the first thing I look at , so you'll be sure I see it :aww:


:boing: :boing: I have created a new account for my mandala (and sorts) here :iconmandalavivant: MandalaVivant
I will remove the few I have on this account, so if you are interested in those, check the new gallery :thanks:
A lot more will be added when I have more time for this... and I will seel some, but via this account.


I have seen dA prints for the first time last week ! I was surprisingly happy with the quality... the colors are really like they are suppose to be :giggle: and it is not darker or lighter like I was afraid of.
On the other hand, I am not fan about the calendar. I like its thickness, but would have prefer a glossy finish and a bigger format.
Finally, colors are kind of faded out ... anyway, I am glad I've seen them at last ! ^^


I had this featured prepared since a while, so there are probaly not much new deviations with low :+fav: this time...


that's it for now... and thank you for reading (to those who did 'till here ;p )

take care and

_____ ~°-°-°~ _____

:target: this one doesn't want to show up in my gallery :/

attraction by Aimelle

:new: latest Print:
hot n cold by Aimelle

:rose: :rose: :rose:

Thank you for the time you spend looking at my mork and commenting. I always appreciate very much and read all comments, even if I can't reply as much as before :blowkiss:

:bulletred: ma litterature (français): Aimelle-in-words
:bulletred: my other project: The-Cloud-Thing

:thumb54270503::thumb71406769: Beautiful Quiet. by BlackFrostRose CXLI. .... by behherit CLXI. ..from beyond II. by behherit Illusion by RAlexanderTrejo:thumb74052615: Captain Ron by ForeverCreative Ovulation by dgheban Queen of the waves by cookiemonstah:thumb71333943: Over The Rainbow by NadavDov:thumb76882104::thumb39184665: The Teapot by Ethernity

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© 2008 - 2025 Aimelle
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Athansor's avatar
What a GREAT journal--there are some really terrific pieces in here...and I'm honored to be included in it! :D :hug: