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Aikurisu's avatar

Tears in the Rain



Scene depicting Kalysia alone, as she preferred when she was the prime consort of Prince Imrek. Her heart never belonged to him and, if she ever had the choice, neither would she have given him her flesh. Her closest handmaidens knew as much and when Imrek fell asleep after fulfilling his erotic needs with their lady, she would untangle herself from him to walk bare with shame from their bedchambers, out onto their open balcony for a moment’s needful peace. Sometimes she would weep there. Other times she would pray to the Three Sisters for forgiveness, for pretending to be someone she was not and having feared her soul damned to the pleasures of the flesh she sometimes could not resist. In the end, her greatest fear was becoming real as her body betrayed her love for Evaryr more and more; she knew she was losing herself, her innocence. For this she wept.

Yet all those moments would be eventually forgotten in time, like tears in the rain.


I know… I know… that last line is not wholly original. So I… uhh… live with it! XD

Well, 6 years. 6 years I’ve been here at DA, although I’ve always considered that it was kinda like the beginning for me when I started to do serious art. I really had no intention of drawing this one either, as I had several other projects in mind to finish for the day, but they kept getting put off to blimmin' ruts… and I was running out of the kind of time to create anything special.

Still, as this was the closest to completion, I went with it. Comments and such welcome as always. =)

Artwork // Kalysia // Nelri // Lore - © Kristopher P. Love
Image size
488x900px 231.19 KB
© 2009 - 2025 Aikurisu
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